After The Rain (Nickelback)

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" Youngblood
Say you want me
Say you want me
Back in your life. "

I sit down in the wooden chair and sighed before I take a mouth full of the only human thing my body is willing to take in.

'Coffee, man do I love it but I'm running out.'

I frown at that thought as I stare into the mug, I take another mouth full of coffee before I got up and sit in the sink.

'I have to be more careful about going out for supply runs and I have to go out soon, maybe in a day or two.'

I lean against the sink as I think, I push off it before I sit at the very small kitchen table and close my eyes as I let my head roll back when I lean back in the chair.

I watch as the people in all white sit a house on fire before more come out of white vans that's been driving around, sitting other things on fire or whats left.

The bombs, the nuclear war that suddenly happened and killed millions and millions of people around the world. Leaving the survivers to take what's left of the old world to survive this new one we have been pushed in.

Well, that was before Better Living Inc. come taking people to a city that has been rebuilt, making the people who lived there, to take meds that make you into mindless zombies and you have to ware all white clothes.

I'm one of the only people they didn't/couldn't take, so I watch as the lands around me dry up like the life that it once hold had disappeared, making the lands into deserts.

I was barely surviving, living in the zones around Better Living Inc. That was until people started to realize that they were being controlled by them and the meds they're taking. So they rebeled against Better Living Inc. and lived in the zones as they fight the Draculoids.

As more people rebled, the more I hide from them, not wanting them to know there is something more dangerous then Better Living Inc. So I began to live outside the zones were no one goes, were I live inside the mountains.

For many years I watch the people or the killjoys they would call themselves live in the zones, surviving as they watch each other backs, tryin to make the life their living now more liveable.

I try not killing them when I'm feeding, I only do it when their drunk off their ass were they can't remember what happened to them the next day. I admit that I care for these people more then I let on, so I try to keep some of the Draculoids off them on some days to let them have a break. '

I open my eyes when I heard Party groaned, I lift my head up to see him trying to sit up and get off the bed. I stood, making my chair screech across the floor. Party head shot towards me at the sound, watching me walk over and helping him stand.

I helped him to the bathroom and shut the door behind me when I trun to leave.

" All my friends will desert again
And I don't want to be a loner
In my head, i can sleep whem I'm dead. "

I sing out after I lean against the wall next to the bathroom door.

"Baby, don't let the hpye dilute ya"

I close my eyes as I keep singing.

"I got no one from the quiet life."

Song: 5sos-youngblood, Yungblud-Die for the hype

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