Mr.DoctorMan (PalayeRoyale)

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_________________________________________After I step through the door that's hidden on the side of one of the mountain's so if anyone dose come out here they won't see it right off

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After I step through the door that's hidden on the side of one of the mountain's so if anyone dose come out here they won't see it right off. I walk through the short hall that open ups to a room, on the right side there's the kitchen and on the other is the bedroom with a small tv in front of the kig size bed that's on the floor that's fill with covers amd pillows.

There's a door in the kitchen close to the small table that's sits next to the wall, it leads to the small bathroom. I walk up to the bed and gently lay the male down, I pulles off his boots quickly and got my medical kit from the bathroom; that I really don't need it but you'll never know. I take off my jacket and thrown it to the floor before I carefully take off his bloody jacket. I left up his bloody shirt to see a bloody mess, I'm glad I want on a supply run before this happened.

I cleaned up the mess before stitching him up along with the ones on his shoulder and his leg; I had to pull off his pants to get to it and rip shirt off his shirt. I thrown them with my jacket and bandage his wounds, when I got done I pulled the covers up so he doesn't get cold. I put the kit back together and sit it next to the bed if I need it again. I grab the bloody clothes off the floor and put the clothes I can saved from the blood in the kitchen sink.

Right after I got done cleaning them and set them out to dry in the bathroom, the guy woke up when I step back into the room. He tryed to set up but he fall back down in pain.

"I won't do that if I were you, you'll pop your stitches."

He turned his head towards me.

"How are you feeling?"

He groaned in pain before speaking.

"It hurts."

I nod and walked into the kitchen side of the room. I got some water in a glass cup and some pain pill out, I walked back to the male. I helped him sit up against the wall as he gasp in pain, I stood backup after handing them to him. He look confuse as he glance at the pill that's sitting in his hand.

"These will help you with the pain."

He nod his head before he popped them into his mouth and take a big mouth full of water. He handed the glass back to me after he got done, I put it into the sink.

"Thank you."

I nod my head before sitting down in the wooden chair that's next to the bed.

"What happened?"

I shake my head a little.

"I don't know what happened to you. I just found you in a car that has been flip over onto it's back."

He frowned as I leaned back into the chair more and crossed my legs.

"Don't worry, you'll remember soon but for now you need sleep."

He nod as I smile brightly at him before helping him lay back down onto the bed.

"What do you remember?"

"I remember leaving Jet,Ghoul, and Kobar at the base when a big group of Draculoids come out of nowhere. I know I had to get them away and fast so I take the Trans Am. I made sure they were behind me at all times as I passed zone 7 and then everything is black."

I nod.

"At least you know who you are."


He said before his eyes slowly started to close.

"Oh and I just want to tell you when you get better I'll try to fix your car when I find it."

He weakly smiled at me.


I again smiled brightly at him.

"Dominic Harrison but you can call me Yungblud."

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