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I continue to kiss down his neck until I got to his chest.


He wishpered as he realized he's only in his underwear but I keep going for a few seconds before stopping. I lean back up to his face and stared into his eyes before kissing him again. Once I let go I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I realized something."

I wishpered, he look at me confused.

"I've fall in love with you without knowing it until I've left. Once I got back to the others and lay in bed that night I couldn't sleep because I realized how important you have become to me and how attached I am to you. I wanted to leave that moment and come back to you but I didn't and I regretted that."

He sighed and put his forehead against mine.

"I heard you say you're sorry for leaving but you were right you had to get back to your brother and friends. I didn't want to hold you back any longer then you had too."

Suddenly the question I had ever since I last talk to Billie come to mind.

"Why dose being apart is affecting us like this?"

Once again he sighed before pushing me off of him, he stands up wobbly at first but quickly stable and walk to his closest.

"Billie said something to me the last time I was at the bar making me realize something and it cause me to be in pain so I try getting away from it by 'sleeping'."

He pulled on some skinny jeans, pink high shocks, and a plain black shirt before laying back in the bed next to me after I've moved back sitting against the wall.

"And I'm sure Billie told you what I'm am. I'm afraid that any moment I'll hurt you..."

He rise up sitting on his knees and pulled my shirt down a bit to see the bite he left behind between my shoulder and neck.

"Or worse kill you."

I smiled at him and take a hold of his hand that's holding my shirt giving it a light kiss.

"If you wanted to kill me you would of do it all time along and please answer my question."

I said frowning, he sighs looking at his lap but I lift his head up with his chin looking straight into his eyes.

"Billie told me you might be my soulmate and I realized he was right but you were already gone I was too late."

I cup his cheek with my hand and rub it with my thumb.

"I'm here now and I'm not leaving.  Now that you're ok I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders and the empty feeling in my chest is gone."

He smiled and lay back down next to me before he started drawing shapes on my leg that his head is laying on.

"So what are we now?"

I run my fingers through his hair again loving the soft feeling of it.

"Well we were both affected badly by being apart for so long, you made yourself fall into a coma like sleep and I didn't eat or sleep much so I said Billie is right."

He hummed slightly vibrating my leg.

"Fate decided that we were a perfect match and that's what we are now."

He looks up at me with those beautiful eyes of his smiling at me with his teeth showing.

"I'm glad and finally happy."

I smiled back, suddenly the front  door slammed opened by the sound of it and someone I haven't seen in three days walked in. 


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