Strobelite (Gorillaz)

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_________________________________________I sighed once I step outside shivering in the chilling air before I look to the sky

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I sighed once I step outside shivering in the chilling air before I look to the sky. The sky begin to turn meaning I was in there longer then I should have, I torn my eyes away to see my car parked next to a gas pump all painted and dryed. I walked over and sit in the driver seat, I glance around until my eyes landed on a piece of paper stuck to a radio that wasn't there before.

I hope you like your present
- Yungblud

I chuckled to myself as I grab the bag that's sitting in the passenger seat and look through it. Tank top, pants, water, food, sunglasses and a cd I smiled at it before I open the case. I popped it, I changed into the tank top as I stay in my black skinny jeans and boots before putting the sunglasses on as I bob my head to the music. The sun begin to raise making the sky turn orange and yellow.

"I like the sound of the broken piece
I like the lights and a siren she says
We got machines but the kids got Jesus
We like to move like we both don't need this "

I shut the door and let the engine roar to life sounding louder with the new engine.

"God can't hear you, they will fight you
Watch them build a friend just like you
Morning sickness, XYZ
Teenage girls with ESP"

I hit the gas pedal and the car shot off faster then before, I smirked as I let one arm lay outside the window the other one the wheel. I have all the windows down making my hair fly around, I can feel the air getting hotter and haver as the sun keep raising.

"Gimme the sound to see
Another world outside that's full of
All the broken things that I made "

Soon the sun is completely in the sky when I pass the sign, I quicken the speed of the car to go faster passing the zones in a blur soon I hit my dissertation, zone three.

"Just give me a life to plea
Another world outside that's full of

All the awful things I made "

When I stop the car sand filled the air covering me from view I let the sand settled down before I cut the engine and open the door. When I did Kobar ran out the sunken dinner and throw his arms around me I did the same to him. We laugh happy to see each other, he step back and was about to start asking questions but I stopped him.

"I'll tell everyone what happened when we get inside."

He nod as we start to walk into the dinner, he stare at me a few seconds when he noticed the slat limp I have when I walk but didn't say anything. I huffed once I dropped into one of the booths glad to be back at the dinner.

"Hey man, glad to see you're alive."

Fun ghoul was the one who spoke up as the rest stand around, I chuckled.

"Glad to be alive."
Deadmau- Professional Griefers

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