Bang Bang (Green Day)

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_________________________________________After an hour or two I'm back in the wastland with a satchel over my shoulder filled with bags of blood and food for Party

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After an hour or two I'm back in the wastland with a satchel over my shoulder filled with bags of blood and food for Party. I began looking for Party's car and after a while I did find it still on it's back so I filped it and sit in the driver seat. I tryed starting the engine but it just roared before going out, I got out and popped the hood as I started to sing to fill up the silence because I hate it being quite.

" I see pictures in my head
A world where the suffering's dead
And they can't fight or unjustly arrest
Anybody, for the colour of their body. "

I looked around the engine and fix a couple of things before shutting the hood and hop back into the drivers seat again. This time I start the engine it stayed on and I immediately hit the gas pedal to the ground so it blasted off leaving only sand in the air. I keep singing but only louder.

"Psychotic kids, they don't know what they want
Psychotic kids, we've got keep control of them. "

The busted out windshield let the hot air flow throughout the whole car.

" Dropped a hair dryer into my bath 
Shocks like that make me laugh
It's fun to laugh when you're sad
Be happy, come on let me happy. "

I start drumming on the streeing wheel with my fingers.

" Why you wonna go turn back  time?
Come and take a ride in my psychotic mind
Why you wonna go turn back time?
Come and take a ride in my psychotic mind
Why you wonna go turn back time?
Come and take a ride in my psychotic mind
Why you wonna go turn back time?
Why you wonna go turn back time? "

I started to screaming out the lyrics.

" Psychotic kids, they don't know what they want
Psychotic kids, we've got to keep control of them
Psychotic kids, they don't know what they want
Psychotic kids, we've got to keep control of them. "

I humed the rest of the lyrics after that as I get closer to the base and slow down the car until I'm in front of the garage door. I keep the car running as I stepped out and open the garage door before I drive the car through it and also closed it behind me. I grab the satchel and walked to the door at the edge of the garage, I open it and walking into the main hallway that leads to my bedroom.

I walked in finding Party sleeping on his side so he's facing the wall, I smiled as I walk to the kitchen quietly. I put his food in the cabinets before I moved to the door on the bedroom side and open it. I grabbed a plain black t-shirt and black pants before I quietly shut the door. I walked to the bathroom and locked it behind me. I pulled the satchel off my shoulder and hide it behind the toilet so Party can't find it.

I sighed after and slowly pulled off my jackets along with my shirt. Feeling better to have the sand covered clothes I have been wearing for the pass couple of days come off. I step into the shower and put the water all the way hot, a moan slip through my lips as the heat melt my muscles throughout my body.

Song: Yungblud-Psychotic kids

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