Throw Away (BlueStahli)

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_________________________________________I shut the door behind me once I step into the bathroom, I sit the clothes down and take off my underwear before stepping into the shower after I turned the water on warm

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I shut the door behind me once I step into the bathroom, I sit the clothes down and take off my underwear before stepping into the shower after I turned the water on warm. I groaned as the warm water hit my sore wounds when I have taken the bandages off before stepping in, I look at them to see them healing nicely. I took my shower and step out when I'm fully done, I didn't need to re-bandage my wounded since their almost heal and they don't need it. 

I walk out of the bathroom to see a note on the small kitchen table.

I'm in the garage working on your car
P.s garage door in main hallway

I sit the note back down and started to look through the cabinets to see their fuller then last time, so I grabbed a random can of power pup. I started eating my breakfast once I got it open and walked to the main hallway so I can try to find the garage door. I look at walls of the main hallway for a small while but I did found it and I would of miss it easily if I wasn't looking for it since it's the same color as the wall and you can only see the door nob.

I open the door and walk through it to see a lager open space with car parts laying every where you can look. Suddenly a bang is heard and it echo through the garage, making me jump a little. I glance around until my eyes landed on Yungblud working on my torn car so I walked over there with a lamp of course as I'm still eating the rest of my can of food, if you can call it that.


I said once I'm next to him, he look up at me as he lay on the floor some what under the car.

"You look better now that you have taken a shower and I bet you feel better too."

I nod in agreement as I am looking around the garage, Yungblud stood up dust his hands.

"Your car should be completed fix once your wounds become scares and I might be able to update it so it's faster then it was before."

Once he said that my head snip in his direction.


I gasped at him and he nod his head with a smirk playing on his lips, I smiled at him.

"You know you don't have to do this and you didn't really had to save me."

He frowned at me.

"But everyone is worth saving even you and I'm glad I did because before you come here I was alone twenty four seven except when I have to go to the Toxic Bar. You make my life more liveable now."

I look at him in disbelief.


I wishpered hoping it's not some twisted joke he's playing but all my worries want away.

"Really and I'll miss you when your gone."

I smiled at him with a idea in my mind.

"Why do you come with me?"

He quickly frowned and looked away making me frowned as well.

"I can't do that I'm afraid I'll hurt and break you be on repair."

I chuckled at that.

"Well I'm already broken sweetheart."


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