HeyLookMa,IMadeIt (P!ATD)

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_________________________________________I don't know what time it is when I woke up,all I know is that I'm sore all over

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I don't know what time it is when I woke up,all I know is that I'm sore all over. I groaned as I moved a little to move the cover down as I'm feeling a little too hot. I looked down to realize that I'm only in my underwear and had bandages around my waist,shoulder and my leg.

"Sorry I had to remove your pants to stitch your leg along with your shirt but you'll never got it back."

I flinched when Yungblud spoke.


I asked weakly as I turned to look at him to find him leaning against the wall at the edge of the bed, drinking something out of a mug.

"I had to rip it off of you to get to your wounds but I did save your jacket and pants."

I nod my head as little as I can without hurting myself.

"So I told you my name so tell me yours."

He pushs off the wall and squats down as he speaks,I sighed.

"Party Poison."

He nods before he stands back and walked into the kitchen, he sit his mug down and open a cabinet, getting a familiar white can. He opened it and got a glass of water before walking back over here and hand them to me after I sit up against the cold wall. I pick up the spoon and forced myself to eat the gross power pup food. Suddenly Yungblud started to hum.

" Remember the words you told me, love me 'til the day I die.
Surrender my everything 'cause you made me believe you're mine. "

I sit the empty can next to the bed when I got done eating and layed back down.

" Yeah, you used to call me baby, now you calling me by name.
Takes one to know one, yeah.
You beat me at my own damn game. "

I close my eyes once I got comfy amd let my mind run off as sleep takes over.

"  You push and you push and I'm pulling away.
Pulling away from you.
I give and I give and I give and you take, give and you take. "

Colors become into focus when I got the sunlight out of my eyes by turning over in my bed. The walls full of posters and pictures of movie stars. My clock blaring music.

" Youngblood
Say you want me
Say you want me
Out of your life. "

I slam my hand on it to try to shut it up but ended up hitting it off the nightstand. I groaned as I pulled myself off the bed and hit the stupid botton on my alarm clock. '

" And I'm a dead man walking tonight.
But you need it, yeah,you need it.
All of the time.
Yeah, ooh ooh ooh. "

Suddenly something doesn't feel right but I quickly brush it off and put some clothes on. I walk through the house noticing it's to quite in the house so I want out the front door to see if moms and dads car is in the drive way but faced with fire. Tree,cars,houses, and people on fire... '

" Youngblood
Say you want me
Say you want me
Back in your life. "

I open my eyes a little to see him sitting on the wooden chair again, drinking what ever is in the mug before sleep completely takes over.

Song: 5sos-youngblood

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