All I Think About Is You (Ansel Elgort)

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Andy was taking longer then he should have, the guys must be holding him back or something must of happened on the there. I stood up from the chair with fear sitting on my chest and got a knife from the kitchen. I stand next to the bed staring at him for a second before I sit on my knees. I parted his lips and put the blade against my wrist, I stay in that position feeling the fear tighten and before I could back out I slice my skin on my wrist.

Blood poured out the line I've made deep enough for blood to come out, I let the knife fall to the ground with a thump, I quickly hold it over his mouth and squeeze my hand making more come out. A drop landed on his lips before slipping into his mouth, more fall in until his mouth is full of blood. Then he surprised me by closing his mouth and swolled before he open his mouth again, I fill his mouth one more time before I had to stop as I become weak.

I take the medical box that's still sitting next to the bed from where when I was injured and warp my wrist up in bandages. I stare at him almost expecting him to wake up but he just lay there not moving.

Andy come back and saw me sitting next to the bed with my knees to my chest staring at Yungblud.

"How can you tell if a vampire is dead?"

I wishpered in sadness knowing he can hear me. He sighed putting the satchel down next to the bed before he sits next to me.

"Our skin starts to cracks before we turn to dust."

He glanced at my wrist.

"And you did the right thing because he would of been dead if you waited for me."

I slightly nod before Andy spoke again.

"I need to go back but I'll visit when ever I can."

He got up and hand me the satchel, I grab it from him.

"He might be a little crazy when he first wakes up, you just have feed him to get him back to his of self."

I nod again and I let him get a step into the hall before I spoke to him.

"Tell my brother and friends I'll be ok and that I'm staying here for a while."

He nod before he ran off back to the bar. I sit there for who knows how long.

"I'm sorry that I left but I needed to get to my baby brother and friends. I'm also sorry for not visiting but I wished I did because it's not only affecting you from being apart it's affecting me too. I can't sleep or eat, I think I lose two pounds. My brother and friends were also noticing it too, also Billie won't tell me why it's affecting us like this I guess he wants you tell me."

I sighed to myself knowing he might not be able to hear me, I got up off my butt and put the blood bags into the ice cold water that's still filled the bathtub so the blood can't go to waste.


Two days later he open his eyes.


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