Infectious (IMMINENCE)

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_________________________________________I just stare at him after he said that with a frown, wonder what happened to make him feel like that

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I just stare at him after he said that with a frown, wonder what happened to make him feel like that. I glanced away and sighed.

"I'm sorry but it's not possible for me to leave this place, it's my home."

He smiled softly and nods understanding how I feel about leaving, he sits his food down on the top of the car.

"Well, let get this car in shape, shall we."

I smiled at him as I begin to tell what needs to be replaced or repair on the car.

"I was thinking about replacing the whole engine of the car with the V8 engine I repair a while back."

I told him the idea I had in mind to make his car faster so he can out drive Draculoids when he needs too, as I show him the engine that's still hanging from the pully when I forgot to sit it down when I got done repairing it. He agreed immediately with the idea thinking it would be amazing.

So over the next few days me and Party worked on his car most of the time, there were times that Party would find me laying on top of him and blame me 'toss and turning' in my sleep but it's just that I loved the warmth he gives to the point I can't resist getting closer. Also at times when he would smiled, smirked or call me pet names causing my insides want to melt from the heat I feel flowing through my chest. I know what I'm feeling but I have to push it away from getting myself hurt or putting Party in dangerous situations were he can be killed.

Most days I'm the first one up and out in the garage working or I'm at The Toxic Bar getting supplies for me and Party.

"So is he still around?"

Billie had asked me when he found me at the bar one day and I nod my head in shame.

"There no reason to be ashamed about it, my old friend."

He pulled me away from the bar and into one of the many dark corners.

"So tell me?"

He said once he got comfortable on the couch.

"I've found him dieing out in the dessert so I bring him back to the base but I didn't planed on falling for him."

I said softly as sadness takes over, Billie layed his hand on my shoulder.

"You can never choose who you fall in love with, Dominic. So what are you plan on doing?"

I sighed as I glance at him.

"I told him I was in some what of a cult and the others here but I didn't tell him about the vampire and blood part. I have to let him go Billie, he has friends out here waiting for him I can't and I have no right to keep him from that."

He nod in understanding as he has this sad glare in his eyes.

"You are right, you can't keep him from leaving but pray the he'll find his way back to you soon after."

So after talking with Billie made me feel a little bit better about letting Party go when I return to the base that day and to find Party sleeping soundless with blankets and pillows laying around him like a God. I piled off my jacket, shirt and boots before I gentle lay next to him knowing soon I'll never will feel this warmth for a long time until he has to return to me.

His wounds has been scarring over nicely and soon we would have to his car fixed too, making my heart clutch inside my chest and with that feeling sitting in I close my eyes. 

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