Jenny (Studio Killers)

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When I open my eyes the dryness and burning in my throat become unbearable almost immediately. I weakly force myself to sit up against a wall waiting for my vision to clear. A blurry picture of a cup filled with red popped up in front of me, metal and a little of rust filled my nose making my mouth water. I slowly put my lips against the glass and the person holding it helped me drink the whole thing.

I sighed as the cold liquid rolls down my throat but the burning stays and before I know it another filled cup appears in front of me. The three cup I turned away not wanting the cold stuff anymore.

"You have to drink it."

I didn't pay any attention who was talking.

"But it's cold."

They sighed.

"I'm sorry but that's all I have and you need to drink so you can get strong again."

I slightly pout but I take the cup and swolled the whole thing. I moved into the corner closing my eyes after I give the empty glass back but a blanket is thrown over me and the person pulled me to their chest. I lay next to them and lay an arm over their waist as the whole blanket is over me as they run their fingers through my hair.

"You scared me so much, Dominic. I thought I would lose you."

I ignore what their saying and moved closer to their warmth. For some reason I feel cold, they keep talking but I didn't listen until they started singing.

"Turn away
If you could get me a drink
Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded

Call my aunt Marie
Help her gather all my thing
And bury me in all my favorite colors
My sisters and my brothers
I will not kiss you
 'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you"

I lean more into them as they play with my hair, I can feel the blood flowing through their body under their clothes, their skin. The blood rushing in their vines to their heart, the sounds of the beating heart filled my ears making the hunger come back.

Before the person could do anything I sit on their starched out legs and forced my head into their neck. I bite down forcing my teeth to break the skin, I moaned when the warm liquid filled my mouth. The person wrap their arms around my waist pulling me closer to them, a images fades into my mind.

A bright red hair male smiles at me as we walk around the wastland.

Suddenly everything that happened and what I did come back to me hard. I quickly let go staring at the bite a few seconds before I look at the persons face. Tears quickly come to my eyes and fall out when I see Party sitting under me. He hold my face when I tried to turn away and smiled at me.

He slammed his lips into mine taking my breath away as fireworks shots off. I quickly throw my arms around his neck and pulled him as close as I can running my fingers through his red hair. I moaned when he forced me to stand on my knees to make me taller, one of his hands squeeze my ass causing me to moan again. Our lips stay connected as long as we can before he have to breath again but he didn't stop because he started kissing down my neck before he pushed me onto my back......

Music: My Chemical Romance-Cancer

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