Supernova (Ansel Elgort)

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_________________________________________When I woke the first thing I noticed it that there's weight missing on my chest, I peel my eyes open not seeing Yungblud

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When I woke the first thing I noticed it that there's weight missing on my chest, I peel my eyes open not seeing Yungblud. I would usually sometimes find him sleeping on my chest looking adorable but not this time causing me to sigh as I let my head fall back onto the pillow. I stretched and groaned before I got up to eat breakfast after I grabbed clothes from Yungblud's closet and hit the shower.

I stand in front of the mirror with clothes on, to brush my teeth but I dropped the cap to the toothpaste and it rolled toward the back of the toilet, I lean down to got it as a old satchel caught my eye that sits behind the toilet. I grabbed it as curiosity takes over, I slowly open it once I sit it on top of the counter top. Confusion covers my face once i saw what inside, packs of blood.

 'Why would he need this, dose he have a medical problem or dose it have to do with the cult he's in?'

I just shook my head and zip the satchel back up, I put it back where it was before and want back to brushing my teeth. I step out of the bath room and walked to the garage, Yungblud have a mask over his nose and mouth to protect them from the spiry paint. I sit on car a seat that has been takin out and use as a chair, I watch as he repaint the car.

I like the way he moves his hands and how he's careful to not get the paint everywhere, I smiled when he glanced over to where I am sitting. I glance around the lager garage until my eyes caught something, I stand up and walked over to the wall that has posters on it. I smiled once I've seen what it was, a music player with dust covering every inch of it like it hasn't been played for a long time.

I look around, through boxs that sits next to the wall, cabinets but nothing until I open the bottom drawer making me smiled at my prize. I grabbed the pack of cds and look through them until something caught my eye, something I use to listen to before the world went to shit. I happily pop the cd in and sit the pack down before I walk back to my seat.

"I lost my way
Oh baby this stray heart
Went to another
Can you recover baby?
Oh you're the only one that I'm dreamin' of
Your precious heart
Was torn apart by me and you"

The lyrics bounce around the garage and I can hear Yungblud started to hum to the song.

"You're not alone
Oh oh and now I'm where I belong
We're not alone
Oh oh I'll hold you heart and never let go"

I smiled as I stood up and walk to Yungblud, I grab the his hand pulling him away from the car. Confusion filled his eyes as he let me pull him away.

"Everything that I want
I want from you
But I just can't have you
Everything that I need
I need from you
But I just can't have you"

I let his hand go and started to dance around, smiling. He smiled to before he let himself get lost to the music.

"I said a thousand times
And now a thousand one
We'll never part
I'll never stray again from you
This dog is destined for a home to your heart"

We started singing along as we dance to the music.
Music:Green day - Stray heart

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