I Need A Hero (Bonnie Tyler)

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'Air rush out between my lips before his crash against mine again. Love,passion,lust,worry,guilt,fear pass through us as we hold each other so close that our naked chest rub together when we move. I tighten my hold around his neck afraid to let go that he'll dissappear and this will end forever.

He kiss down my neck as my hands run through his bright red hair and he pulled me as close as we can get with me sitting on his lap.

"I want this to be real."

I gasped with my head thrown back knowing what my mind is doing while I'm in my coma like sleep.

"Why don't you?"

He wishpered into my ear making a shiver run down my back. I move to stand on my knees next to his thighs as I stare down at him with his hands on my hips.

"But I'm afraid that once I ask you'll disappear forever."

He frowns as he stares at me sadly.

"I know but the more we stay apart the more that death comes."

He put a hand on my cheek pulling me down to lock our lips once again. My eyes begin to water as we keep kissing, every inch of us touching as we do so. Once we pulled away the water turned into tears, I stare into his eyes as I wishpered.


He smiled knowing what I'm trying to say, gently he lay me on my back.

"You need to wake up."

He said making me frown.

"I don't know how but what if I don't want too."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You need too Dominic, he needs you more than you think."

My eyes begin to water again as I shook my head.

"No he doesn't he's better without me. I'll put him in more danger then he thinks I have enemys out there that want to kill anything I love..."

He quickly shut me up by locking our lips together, I close my eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You worry to much you need to enjoy what you have now before it's gone and you need to remember that's he's been in danger many times to the point he can take care of himself."

He said smiling, I try to speak but he stop me by shaking his head. Suddenly he started to fade, I panicked.

"Please don't leave me!"

I cried out but nothing worked as he fade away completely leaving me alone in the abyss. I lay there crying for who know how long until voices broke through the some what silence.


The voice echo through the abyss sounding farmiller.


Why do these voices sound so farmiller to me? Suddenly I feel warmth wash over me so quickly making me gasp.

"It'll take a while for him to wake up."

A-andy? What's he doing here? How long have I been out?

"How is he in this kind of condition?"

The voice echos again, suddenly pain hit me hard in the chest making me grab onto it. What's happening?

"It's what we do when we want time to pass by quickly, we put our self into a coma like sleep and we can only wake up until someone pull us out this state."

The voice sighs in what sounded like worry and guilt. The pain is coming to great for me to handle making me cry out. 

"How do we pulled him out then?"

I didn't get to hear anything else being said as I begin to fade into the abyss from the pain.


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