Corner (BlueStahli)

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_________________________________________I watch as Party sleeps soundless on the bed with all the covers thrown about as his head is under one of the many pillows I have, I wish I can sleep again but it's hopeless

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I watch as Party sleeps soundless on the bed with all the covers thrown about as his head is under one of the many pillows I have, I wish I can sleep again but it's hopeless. I just lean back with my head hanging off the back of the wooden chair letting the past grab me again.

' I smiled at my friends as we jump to the music that's shakes the whole place, bodies rubbing together as people are drunk or high off their ass. The music fills my ears making my mind go numb from all the stress and pain I've been having for a while now. We were just having fun for one night to relief all the stress we have been building up for the past couple of days but nothing goes to plan when you're  having fun.

Before we know it we're on the streets when the clock strikes midnight, we were yelling and running around, acting crazy. Soon we started to go we're own separate ways except me and Billie, we were messing around and that Billie only feels comfortable with me as I know his secret when I accidentally saw him feeding but I wasn't afraid. I never was afraid even when we were attacked by another vampire that night. '


Party groaned as sleep still hangs onto him, he rolled over facing me. I open my eyes, looking at him.


He closed his eyes as he spoke and patted the empty part of the bed when he scoot over, thats next to the wall.

"Come lays with me."


He opened his eyes this time.

"It must be hard sleeping in that very old wooden chair by now. Plus it's your bed in the first place."

I sigh and got up out of the chair, pulling off my shoes as I get closer to the bed, knowing he wouldn't stop until I'm in the bed with him. I pulled the cover to my waist and put my arms behind my head when I lay down, Party easily fall back to sleep. I once again let the past take it's hold on me.

' I didn't scream when it happened but Billie did well at least yelled. Two of them were there one on Billie the other one me, they pulled us into a alleyway out of anyone's view. The vampire pushed me into the wall harshly making my skull crack against the brick wall, Blood poured out of my head as I can hear the flow of my blood pouring out of the wound against my skull.

I fall on my hands and knees, I crawled a little before they grabbed on the back of my shirt and pulled me onto my feet against the wall again. I groaned in pain of my skull pounding, I couldn't hear anything that's happening. Billie try's to fight off the other vampire but once they smell the blood they stop as the hunger take over the two attackers. Billie has the ability to control his hunger more then any other vampire, letting him take advantage of fighting and letting him win as he torn off the vampires head.

The vampire holding me growls in anger before he dig his fingers into my stomach but I didn't scream, I didn't even make a sound from the pain I feel. I just grabbed his wrist and let my head fall onto his shoulder as blood comes put of my mouth. I hold him in place as much as I can and Billie know what I was doing so he took it and wrapped his arm around his neck. He squeeze as hard as he can, the vampire tryed to get lose but Billie over powered him and sniped his head off his shoulders. '


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