To The End (My Chemical Romance)

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Two days later I felt normal again so on the third day I got up before Party and got ready so we can go to the bar, I quickly and as quietly as I can took a hot shower leaving some for Party when he gets up. I decided to put on black pants,shoes, long sleeves under shirt and short sleeve shirt over that with a golden chain around my neck, I left my hair untouched so it can air dry.

"Wake up sleepy head."

I spoke to Party as I try to wake him up when I shake his shoulder. He moaned as he try to roll away from me making me laugh.

"Come on, we need to get to the bar."

I lightly smacked his leg before I got up and walked into the kitchen, I got a glass of water and a can food that humans eat now days. Party's groaned as he stood up and wobble his way to the small table were I placed his water and food.

"You can go back to sleep after we get back plus you have things to do."

I explained well tried to as Party started to fall back to sleep causing me to sigh, I grabbed his water and dumped it on him. He yelped as the cold water stick to him keeping him wide awake.

"The quicker you get ready the sooner we get back for you to sleep."

Party sighed before quickly eating all of his food before he jumped into the shower after he grabbed some clothes. He come out in a black shirt with no sleeves that showed some of his sides, black pants, and his black boots. We hopped into his car and drive to the bar, we quickly got into the bar before Billie popped out of nowhere scarring the shit out of me.

"Don't scare me like that!" 

I some what yelled at him as he just stands there laughing. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Party walking off for a few minutes before he come back when me and Billie are sitting at the bar chatting away.

"Dominic meet my friends and brother..."

He introduced each one of them, surprised that they liked me and want to be friends, before we begin telling them how we meet.

We're at the end of our journey for now but always remember

The End Is Only The Beginning.

End of book one

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