MedicineSquareGarden (FrankIeroAndTheFutuerViolents)

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I slam onto the breaks making the car stop immediately, I jumped out not shutting the car door behind me.


Andy called out as we speed walk down the hall into the main room, a layer of dust sits around like no one have lived here for a while now. we glanced at each other with worry setting in both of us.

"I think I know where he is."

Andy said as he stares at the closed bathroom door, I ran to it before he could do anything. 


I screamed once I saw what's in the bathroom, Yungblud's whole body laying in the tube that's filled with ice water and it looks like he isn't alive at all as three bottles of whiskey sits on the tubes edge. Tears gathered in the corners of my eyes as I quickly throw my arms in and under pulling him out. He gasped when his head lay on my chest but he didn't wake, I pass Andy out the door and lay Yungblud on his bed before I pulled off his wet shirt and pant. I throw all the covers he has over him.

"It'll take a while for him to wake up."

I turned to Andy almost shouting at him.

"How is he in this kind of condition?"

I can tell that Andy is worry about him too but he has this look in his eyes as he stares at me, a look that he knows something I don't.

"It's what we do when we want time to pass by quickly, we put our self into a coma like sleep and we can only wake up until someone pull us out this state."

I sighed in worry and guilt that this is some how my fault. I glance at Yungblud who looks so dead and pale as he lay there making fear rise in my chest.

"How do we pulled him out then?"

Andy sighed a little before he walked into the kitchen looking through the drawers and cabinets.

"When you stay in so long your body will be hydrated and it can kill you before you wake up so we have to give him blood now."

I nod and ran back into the bathroom grabbing the satchel from under the toilet. I give it to Andy but he shook his head in disbelief when he open it.

"This blood ain't good I'm going have to go back and get some."

He throw the bag back in before he throw the satchel over his shoulder.

"If I'm not back here in a minute or two you know what to do."

I nod and sit in the wooden chair putting my head into my hands and once he's gone I finally noticed the music playing.

"Now days, they've even better
I sleep even deader
I wake up when everyone's gone
Just give us a touch, and let me down slow
Just let me know
If this is some kind of life
Or something else
Die just a little
We try just a little
Let's meet in the middle
And wait
Or maybe you won't
I'm boring you don't
You're sad and magical
He says you're beautiful
I think you're beautiful too"

Music: Gerard way- Don't try

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