Chapter 1

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Edited? Maybe ? Kinda ?
Markus Pov:


I moaned as my beauty sleep was cut off by the devil its self; my stupid alarm. I sighed and got up turning off my alarm and heading to the bathroom. I play some my upbeat music and looked at myself in the mirror in disgust. I looked nasty as hell. Time to change that.

After I shower, I put on my school uniform and fixed my tie. Then I quickly ran downstairs to see my Maid Maria cooking pancakes for breakfast.I grin and sit down on the dining table.

"Good morning Markus"

"Morning Maria" I muffled pancakes already stuffed in my face.

My twin sister Abigail burst in with her perfectly made-up face, with her blonde hair tight in a ponytail and sharp blue eyes and pink rosy lips, she bounced in looking cheerful like always. My sister and I are often called the "perfect twins" we both get straight A's, I'm the captain of football team she's the captain of the cheerleading team, we are both quite liked by the general population I hate using the term popular but that's basically what we are.

Abigail isn't mean like most would expect, she's the sweetest person I have ever meet always helping others and kind to everyone the only people who don't like are people who are jealous of her happiness. When she angry though she REALLY scary.

"Morning!" she smiled sitting down fixing toast and avocado she is vegan not for dietary reasons she just hates animal cruelty. I love animals but as an athlete, I need as much protein as I can get.

Dad rushes in the kitchen next followed by our dog Sparky.

"Morning my beautiful family! I gotta run big meeting today" He grabbed Abby's toast and kissed me and Abby on our forehead and ran out the door.

"Ugh, he took my toast" Abby moaned and started creating another meal.

Mom dragged her feet into the kitchen, her eyes were red and she had dark big circles. She sat down at the table and began eating her share of the pancakes slowly. She snapped her fingers and Maria ran to make her some coffee.

"Good morning Mom," Abby said cautiously looking at her intensely waiting for a replay.

She didn't replay at all. She just stared into space. I touched her back to bring her back to reality and she abruptly moved her shoulder. I'm not shocked by this behaviour my mother is a very complicated woman. She's a perfectionist and so when things don't go her way, she gets very upset this leads to her throwing this, yelling, distancing herself or sometimes hurting herself. Dad put her in therapy after the last bit but sometimes she forgets to take her medication which leads her to this state. However no one knows about my mother condition expect her doctor and our inner family. If anyone ever found out she would kill herself from embarrassment she likes people to think she's the perfect Mother. Never miss a football game, letting my friends call her by her 1st name, head of PTA, Head of the neighbourhood watch and perfect pretty wife.

"Rember to take your pills mom" I whispered giving her peak and this time she didn't resist. My mom and I have always been close I hate seeing her like this.

Abby finally sat down to eat her newly made toast when my phone beeped I looked and saw Lola had texted me. She said was waiting for me and if I didn't hurry up she will never speak to me again??

I checked the time it was 8:30 school starts at 9:00 and I need to pick up Lola, Kelvin, and Laura. The pain of having a big car is becoming a driver for my friends.

"Abby we need to go" I yanked her away from her toast and she whined and pouted as we got into the car.

"No one wants me to eat today" she whined.

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