Chapter 22

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Hunter POV:

Mr Scotfield kept shifting his gaze between us. He kept cringing and rubbing his eyes as if he was trying to wake up from a dream. Markus, on the other hand, kept awkwardly moving his chair unable to look directly at anyone. His face was flushed and he kept nibbling his lips as if he was thinking intensely about something. The air was thick with tension anyone walking in could sense it. 

"So...what a surprising turn of events huh sir?" I laugh nervously trying to break the tension. 

I could feel Markus glare from the corner of my eye. 

"Sir, I am so sorry this so unlike me please don't expel me or tell my parents... I cant-" 

"Markus, please. I would never do either of that." he chuckles and smiles like something was funny. 

"Sir what's so funny?" I ask curiously. 

He looks like he is about to say something but his small laughs have turned to a heavy loud laugh. He clutches his stomach and laughs harder. I swear I saw tears come out of his eyes. He moves his hands in front of himself as if to apologise for his outbursts. I glance a look at Markus and he seems just as confused as I do. When he finally composed himself he cough and looked at us. 

"I just can't believe you guys... When they told me you guys were missing I thought you were murdering each other... I swore I heard shouting...I have been a  principal for 10 years at this school and I have never in my life encountered such a thing. I should punish you for skipping class too... But I am going to let this one slide. I think your teacher catching you in such a position is a punishment in itself." he seems so amused by all this. "But if I catch you again it will be a detention. You guys get back to class"

Markus quickly got up from his seat and thanked Mr.Scotfield. His face was still bright red which made Mr.Scotfied smile a bit. I followed his lead but Mr.Scotfiled gave me a kind of 'hurt him and i will ruin you' and I gulped slightly. He waved at us when we left his office. 

We reached back to the hallway and Markus let out a deep sigh. "That was so humiliating I can never look at him in the eye again" he facepalms on my chest then quickly pulled back when he realised we were in public. Even though halls were empty we have been caught twice now so we need to be super careful.

 I honestly did not care about the world knowing about me and Markus. I mean my parents would be shocked but they never have shown any signs of homophobia. My Mum very liberal and my Dad does whatever my Mum does. Maggie and David are only friends I care about and they know and don't care and Vanessa is... well Vanessa. Some of the guys on my basketball team would probably have an issue with it but they don't scare me. Most of them should be chill with it anyway. Maybe a few jokes here and there but nothing too cruel. But I just don't think Markus is at the point to say fuck you to anyone who won't accept him. I know he's scared but  I don't know how to help him so I'll just wait until he is ready to come out and no matter what I will be on his side. 

"What are you thinking about?" he says as we walk to the gym. 

"Just how red you went when Scotifled and the janitor caught us" I laugh remembering his shocked red face. 

"Shut up! Don't ever bring that up again" he says hitting me but he's laughing also. 

We walked into the changing room laughing and grinning at each other like idiots. All I wanted to do was kiss him again. Make him laugh forever and destroy anyone who gets in our way. His laughter makes my heart flutter. His blue crystal eyes are like the ocean I could drown and get lost in it. When I look at him all the anger I feel in heart disappears with every smile, every touch, every laugh. 

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