Chapter 9

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Hunter POV: 

The party was on full swing at 2 AM. Everyone was dancing, drinking and Fucking. The speakers blasted every fucking party song alive. I had this hot chick grinding up against me in rhythm with the music. Her body and my body were in sync as we basically had sex on the dance floor. I then grabbed her dark flawless body and pushed it against mine and kissed her. Our tongues moved in the rhythm of the song and it was fucking hot until her stupid boyfriend came. 

"What the fuck are doing with my girl?" he screamed grabbing her away from me and pushing her to the side. Oh, fuck not another jealous boyfriend. Jealously is so stupid like I will never understand couples who choose monogamy at this age. 

"The real question is what your girl is doing to be because the way her tongues-" before I could finish my sentence he punched me hard in the face. The crowd gasps and the music suddenly quits down. Can't be a part without a fight. 

"You better shut the fuck up before I beat your mixed ass" he snarled closing up on me.I spat out the blood in my mouth and wiped the remaining away. David tried to come to my defence but I stopped him. I like to piss people off it's my thing. 

"I mean beat me all you want but your girl over there would still come and fuck me all day FUCKING long" I laugh maybe I was a bit too drunk but I loved the look on his face. The crowd cheered and some gasped. 

He looked like he was about to kill me but before he could my fucking ken doll came to the rescue just great. Markus pushed out of the crowd and look unaware of what was happening. In fact, he looked kind of tipsy. What the fuck? Markus hates drinking. 

"Listen, Hunter, turn down the fucking music I'm trying to sleep!" he slurred pointing at me. Everyone looked confused as fuck and so was I. 

"Oh, Hunter is this yo bicth? This white ass" he laughed turning to his friends "I did not know this nigga was gay" Which caused his friends to laugh. Did he just call me fucking gay?!

Before he could turn back around. I jumped on him and started punching his face but I could not stop. HOW DARE HIM COME TO MY PARTY, COCK BLOCK ME AND CALL ME GAY ?!

I punched harder and harder. Everyone tried to break it off but all I saw was red. Some of the friends tried to get involved but I could not be stoped. I just wanted him to bleed. David and Maggie tried to get me off him but I couldn't. 

Until I heard this fucking annoying ass voice. 

"Hunter get off him. Hunter get OFF HIM!" Markus grabbed me from my shoulders and pulled me off him. I don't know how because he's only 5'9 and I'm 6'3 but somehow he had this power over me. When he pulled me off him he grabbed my face and told me to look at him. "GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND STOP BEING STUPID!" he screamed in my face. I pushed him away and marched upstairs and everyone was smart enough not to follow me. 

I slammed myself into my room and fell my bed. I was just about to sleep when someone barged through my room and turned on the light. WHO ACTUALLY WANTS TO DIE. 

Of course, it was Markus. He slammed the door shut and walked up to my bed. 

"Are you fucking on drugs? Actually let me re-phrase that, what the fuck is wrong with you?" he said hitting me with a pillow. This guy is playing with fire. 

"Get the fuck out of my room before I kill you" I yell throwing the pillow back at him in angry. He is lucky I'm tried. 

"Kill me? I wouldn't be surprised after you TRIED to kill that guy downstairs 10 minutes ago! Do want to get arrested again? And mommy and Daddy can't fix it if it's fucking murder!" he yells again. Why does he even care? 

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