Chapter 5

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*bell rings*

Finally, school is finally over I can go home and actually get some sleep. I put my books in my locker and picked up the ones I needed for homework. My friends were waiting for me outside my car. Right beside my car was Hunter's car and his friends giving my friends evil looks.

Oh dear, that means-

"Barbie," an annoying deep voice said behind me

"Can I not have one second without hearing-"

"Look, blondie this whole volunteering thing is kinda dumb but I take basketball very seriously, so I don't want any problems with you, ya feel me?"

"I feel you, but I swear to-"

"Okay, I stopped caring about what comes out of your mouth again," He says walking away.

I glare at him and stomping towards my car, I opened my car and aggressively sat down, yelling at my friends to get in. They look startled and got in the car. Hunter and his friends get in his car but he suddenly comes out of the car.

He runs towards my car and bangs on the window.

"What do you want-"

He looks past me and straight to Abby "I missed you this summer Abby" sorry we did not get a chance to speak" He smiled, not grin, smiled.

Abby goes red and mumbles something along the lines of thanks and you too. I glared at both of them. Due to our parents forcing all of us to be friends, while I and Hunter hated each other. Abby and Hunter grew up close leaving Abby in the middle between our fights. Obviously, as we got older they drifted apart but they still have this strong bond something I will never understand.

Lola started to get irritated and rolled the window back up giving Hunter the middle finger. That's my girl.

Hunter looked amused and went back to his car and drove off. He is so annoying it makes me so angry.

"Markus I can see your veins popping out"

"Dude you really need to chill"

"man Hunter knows how to get you vexed"

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"guys leave him"

I was too annoyed to answer anyone so I turned up the radio and we all drove in silence. Hunter always finds a way to ruin my day. It irritates me how close him and my sister are after all these years. I know Abby has a big heart but I'm here brother not him. 'I missed you this summer' what does that even mean? Why did Abby get awkward? I mean obviously, there is tension but she never nervous around people especially him.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I have forgotten to say bye to all my friends as I dropped them off. Lola tried to kiss me goodbye but I moved my head away mumbling I'm not in the mood. She slammed the door and strutted to her house. I have to make up for that tomorrow.

It was just me and my sister left and we drove in silence until she turned off the radio.

"Why do hate Hunter so much?"

I groaned and switched the radio back on. I am seriously not in the mood for this stuff right now.

She switched it back off. I sighed in annoyance, Why is she like this?

"I am serious I thought it was some stupid rivalry but gotten too far, look at both of you. Covered in bruises. You have gotten in too so many fights that literally live in the principles office. Over the years it has only gotten worse it's like is building till you guys kill each other! I love you both and I just wish-"

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