Chapter 28

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Markus POV:

My heart dropped to my stomach once I had worked up the courage to look at my phone. Pictures of me and Hunter private moments were put on display all over my timeline. 

I could not breathe or think or reason. This can't be happening. Not now. Not yet. 

My hands begin to shake and my feet begin to tremble. My vision became blurry and I was struggling to breathe. I need to get out of here now. It took all my strength to get out of my seat and run out the door while my classmates stared and whispered. I ignored the teacher calling me back. I don't care if I get in trouble I need...I need to leave. 

I ran to the nearest toilet and locked myself in the disabled toilets. I dropped to the floor and threw my bag across the floor. I covered my hands with my face and begin to sob. Once the tears dropped I could not stop. 

Who took the pictures? Who hates me so much that they would leak something like that? Did that person also send it to my parents? Oh God if they have. What will my friends say? What will Abby say? Oh my gosh, Abby is going to hate me so much. 

Everyone is going to hate me. 

Everyone is going to hate me. 

Everyone is going to hate me. 

The thought alone made me sob harder. Luckily there was no one else in here to hear my pathic sobs. I would more be humiliated than I'm already am.

After I had cried enough. I wiped my tears and stood up and tried to give myself a little pep talk. 

It already exposed Markus. Crying won't help. What I need to do is fix this before it gets twisted more. I have Hunter. I have Ella. That's already to people on my side. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

I can't do it.

Once I stepped foot outside the toilet. I was meet with Abby staring at me in pure rage. Her arms folded and her body shaking like it was going to explode. The hallways were still kind of empty except for the few freshmen that were lingering around. For the first time in forever, I was TERRIFIED of my sister.

"I- don't even know where to begin- where do I begin? My fucking- You LIED to me. You lied to me for months or maybe even years. WHO EVEN THE FUCK KNOWS! You knew I liked him. You knew. You could have told me! You could have told me that you were with him. Instead, you let me think I had a chance- You let me make a fool of myself. Was it funny to you? Did you and Hunter have laughs at my expense? 'Oh, Abby so cute to think she has a chance with you'. I fucking cried to you about him. I cried to you about HIM and YOU stayed quiet. You could have come clean at that moment. Do you think I would have cared you were gay or bi? I would have been HAPPY for you. No matter how much it may hurt. Instead, you lied to me. You knew he was with you but you still allowed me to crush over him" she says her voice breaking and teardrops slowly falling on her face.

"Abby I am so- I didn't know how- I was scared," I say trying to stop myself from crying again.

"I get being scared. I get not wanting to come out. But you lied to me. You looked me in my face and lied. Did you guys ever even hate each other? Was this all a big lie"

"No- I swear I'll explain everything to you just-"

"Don't bother. I can't even look at you right now" she says eyes still burning with tears and turned her head quickly strutting away. Not looking back once. 

She hates me. 

My twin sister hates me. 

The bell rings and everyone comes pouring out laughing and whispering with their friends. I could sense all the glances and glares but I kept my head up high and tried to act like I had not been outed to the whole school. 

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