Chapter 26

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POV Markus: 

Hunter's arms wrapped tightly around my back while his chin rests on my neck. I could hear his heavy breathing down my spine and I could not help but blush. I could not help but love his muscular arms around me so protectively. The way our breaths started to match each other and our bodies so close as if we were one. I loved every moment of it. 


It was 10 AM !! 

I get it's the holidays but we have so many places to go and this idiot is sleeping like there is no tomorrow. I try to push him away from me but that only makes him grip onto me tighter. 

I groaned trying to pull out on his bear hug. He just moaned back and mumbled no. In another situation, I would have found this cute and maybe filmed it but right now I need to shower and he is holding me, hostage. 

"Hunter if you don't let go of me I will kill you," I say in an assertive voice trying not to notice how cute he looks when he is sleepy and shirtless. 

"You won't kill me" he grumbled squeezing me tightly. 


"Fine" he let go of me and turned his back hugging his pillow instead. 

I sit up from the bed and ruffle my messy hair. Then I turned to see Hunter sulking to his pillow. I sighed and moved towards him. He pretends to ignore me and shut his pretty eyes tightly. I move on top of his toned abs and tried to get him to turn to me. He protested himself from looking at me. I leaned in to kiss his shut mouth. He did not respond. So I leaned in again. Letting my lips gently press his. Still no response. I started to move away from him but he grabbed my head and crashed our lips violently together. 

He kissed me hungrily and I did my best to hold back my groans. He flipped us and suddenly my back was on the bed as my boyfriend started to eat my face. He stopped for second and locked are eyes together. He bit his lips seductively and did not break my gaze. Then he started to peck my chest randomly. Completely switching the mood. 

He gave me quick kisses on my chest and I could not help but let out loud laugh. 

"Hunter- stop- it tickles," I say in between my laughs. 

He counties to playful kiss me and we started to playful wrestle. 

Then we heard a knock. We scattered away from each other quickly and he ran into the bathroom while I went to open the door. 

I opened it quickly to see my sister fully dressed. She was wearing some jeans and white sweatshirt and some black converse. Her hair was nicely curled and her eyelashes stood bold. I tried my best to look completely calm and normal. 

"Uh, I just wanted to see if you guys were ready to go out. The adults are ready too they asked me to get you guys up... But I heard laughter so I see you guys are up" she said looking pass me and walking into the room. 

"Oh...yeah Hunter fell off the bed it was funny-" I laugh awkwardly as my sister tries to study the room causing my hairs to raise. "Anyway, I am just waiting until he is done from the shower-" 

"Markus... why is your chest bruised?" she steps closer to check my hickeys. 

"Oh- uh- the bulb-"

"Don't lie. Did you guys sneak in some girls here at night?" she says looking suspiciously around as if there was someone hiding here. 

"Don't tell anyone?" I say quickly going with her assumptions. 

"I won't but-" she leaned in to whisper in my ear "Did you lose your V-card?" she says wiggling her eyebrows at me and grinning. 

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