Chapter 4

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Hunter POV:

I lowkey did feel bad. But I couldn't let Barbie beat me if I knew it would end up like this I would have never- actually it was pretty funny I would do it all over again. Although if we keep fighting like this I'm gonna lose my beauty. If that's possible.

The Loser thing didn't trigger me it was the fact he said in front of whole class and I have rep to keep in tact. They some new hot girls in our grade who I haven't even fucked yet, I can't let then think I'm some loser who gets beaten by a midget.

Mr.Scofield sat on his desk and sighed. The clock ticked loudly due to the silence it became very awkward.

"Two hours it took you guys, two hours"

"Sir-" Markus began his lip was busted so he started bleeding as he spoke

"No, Markus nothing can excuse this," He says as he passes a tissue towards him for his lip.

"I didn't want it to lead this but you guys left me no choice. For the rest of this year, every Saturday you will be volunteering at our local orphanage to teach kids how to play a sport, it can be any sport but I think you guys would prefer Basketball or Football. You will be mentoring them for a full academic year. I have a friend who works there to make sure you turn up. And if you don't show up. The punishment will be working in the cafeteria at lunch and not being able to leave the school campus for lunch. Also if you show up but don't do any work you will be kicked off your team. You can only be excused if it's an emergency and if there is their most be proof and the other must be informed first. I talked to your parents and coaches and they all agree it would be a good way for you to stop hating each other and even maybe become friends"

We stared at Mr.Scofield shocked to our core. Couple hours of my Saturday wasted on needy kids?! working with him?! This must be a joke.

I looked at Markus he looked to be thinking the same thing. Markus caught my eye and I never saw him so irritated. But he looked at Sir and smiled.

"I am so sorry for all the trouble we have caused you don't worry I won't disappoint you" He smiled and got up and left.

I looked at him in shock and then at Scofiled what the fuck is going on. Mr.Scofiled looked proud and ushered me to go as well.

I saw Markus walking down the corridor and ran up to him.

"Hey what the hell was that-"

Before I could finish my sentence Markus grabbed me and pushed me into the storage closet closing the door with his feet. He pushed me against the wall pressing our bodies together. What the hell is going on I was too confused to fight back. He pushed his arm to my neck making it silently hard for me to breathe. Even though I am taller than him he's strong. I don't know why but I didn't fight back. Usually, I do the choking.

"Listen to me I am done with playing your bullshit games I need to get scouted and get the hell out of this town and you and your bull fucking shit is not going get in my way," He said pressing my neck slightly harder. Our faces so close.

I stared right into his ocean eyes. All I could see was angry and hurt. For a mini-minute, I felt guilty but it lasted for 3 seconds. I pushed him hard of me and switched are positions. I grabbed his neck and pushed his body up to face me.

"Listen here Cinderella, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but we both want the same thing so you better stay out of my fucking way"

Markus was gasping for air and was hitting the walls kicking his feet. I silently let go and he fell on top me knocking us both down. We stared at each other for a while not saying anything. Markus suddenly got up all flustered and fixed his hair. I tutted at him and he gave me the finger. He left without a word and I followed after him. That was so weird.


As I walked to my table everyone looked at me in utter shock. I have to admit I looked completely different from this morning. I had bruised eye, my lip was cut, my nose had a small cut and my neck was bruised. Yet, I still looked hot as fuck. I sat down with my food. I'm so hungry as I was munching away I looked up to see worried eyes on me.

"Dude, what the fuck happen to you ?" David said breaking the silence.

"Markus and I had a fight in PE remember you were there?" I laughed eating my sandwich

"Yeah but it was not this bad the last time we saw you and why weren't you in Chemistry?" Maggie cut in staring at me cautiously.

"We had a little argument in the corridor is not that bad"

"you and Markus need to settle this before gets out of hand, I'm serious someone gonna gets seriously hurt" Maggie stated giving me an intense stare.

"Yeah dude, this getting messy we have a big basketball season and it's are the last one we can't have any injuries" David pipped in.

I stopped my eating and looked up everyone giving me a concerned look even Vannasa looked worried which was a first. I sighed everyone is so overdramatic.

"Look, guys, it's okay I will try not to fight with him Mr.Scotfield already treated to kick me off the time"

Everyone's eyes nearly popped out and they all screamed in unison



Markus POV:

When I got to the Lunch table all my friends look shocked. The table fell silent. I put my food tray down and ate happily ignoring my friend worried glares. All I cared was about food right now fighting Hunter makes me hungry.

"Where have you been and what happened to your face?"

"man, Did you get in trouble?"

"Hunter has gone too far"

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm going to kill Hunter slowly and painfully don't worry Markus I will make him pay"

Everyone was talking so quickly and talking to me all at the same time it gave me a headache. Lola was trying to confront me and it just made me more annoyed.

"Can everyone shut up!?"

The table fell silent again.

"Yes, I got in trouble, I have been forced to volunteer in an orphanage with him, We had another fight during chemistry making me miss the lesson, I am hurt but I can handle it and Laura the last time you tried to defend me I ended getting involved" I finished and went back to eating.

"Baby, this isn't fair is his fault, not yours," Lola said glaring at Hunter from across the room.

"yeah man him and that whole basketball group I think personally they should kick all of them out"

The table nodded in agreement. I look over at Hunter he looked like he was explaining something to his friends. They all looked over giving me and my table dirty looks. My table did the same. Hunter and I eyes meet. His eyes slightly glistened and my heart skipped a beat. I glared at him even when he so far away he still has somewhat of an effect on me and I hate him and I always will.


Hunter POV:

When our eyes meet all I could see was his crystal blue eyes. It was as if there was no one else in the room just me and him. I felt my heart skipped a beat. Wow, who knew my hatred for him stick so deep. Either that or it's love and I know I felt everything but love when it came to Markus. Just looking at him made me angry. I will always hate Markus. I don't know why. He just see through me and it scars me.


ANNA OUUUUUU---- guys tension building up. The temptation to make them kiss is hbcdugcvygwvdygvd but I can't yet :(

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