Chapter 20

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Hunter POV:

"Dr.Hyde I um... maybe like, like Markus now?" 

Dr.Hyde could not hide his excitement and shock that filled his eyes. He looked like I told him he won the lottery which made me grin a bit. He saw my amusement and coughed and returned to his normal professional atmosphere. He dropped his pen and looked directly at me. 

"So what does that mean for you?" he asked. 

"It means. I'm going to stop acting like a child and actually grow up? Not for Markus but for myself. I want to be a better person." If I had fairer skin I would have been red by now. 

"That is amazing Hunter! So what are you going to do to ensure you stay a good person? Have you gone back to drawing?" 

"Yeah...I also going to start taking Basketball more seriously. This is an important season after all... also don't freak out but I and Markus might be kinda dating..."

Dr.Hyde could not his composure. 


I could not help but laugh. Plot twist. 


When I got home I heard laughter coming from my game room. I walked in and saw Maggie sitting on my pool table smiling at something David was saying. David was using his arms to emphasis whatever stupid shit he was saying. My friends really treat my house like it's theirs. I would not be surprised if my parents accidentally sign their will of the house to them. 

"What are you idiots doing here?" I say pulling them from their conversation and eyes on me.

"Oh look who finally happy for once." Maggie mocked sticking her tongue at me. 

"Yeah, dude you been like super moody lately we came here to cheer you up but looks like you are cheered"David added giving me a knowing look.

The whole Markus taking a break from us hooking up had left me in a bad mood. But they thought it was because I have not been hooking up with that much people. That why David set me up with that girl. 

"Dr.Hyde and I had a very interesting conversation" I went to the mini-fridge to get a drink while my friends looked me in confusion. "sorry guys strictly therapist zone." 

They shrugged and asked me to pass them drinks as well. I throw them bottles of waters and we all sat in front of the tv to play some video games. 

"So dude, any crazy hook-up stories?" David asked eyes focused on the game. 

"Yeah, I'm taking a break from 'hooking-up'" I say pressing the buttons violently to save myself from getting killed. 

Both David and Maggie eyes snapped at me like I just told them I killed a baby. I snip my drink innocently. 

"YOU?! Bro who the fuck is this new chic?" David's eyes were completely focused on me. 

"OMG, finally another girl in our group! Is she pretty? Do I know her? This is so exciting!" Maggie clapped her hands in excitement.

"Guys, there is no girl! I just not into that childish shit anymore. Come on, focus on the game" I could not look at them because I would definitely cave. Just stare at the game Hunter! 

"No! Hunter looks us in the eye and tells us there is no one" Maggie said pulling my head to face her. 

I try to move away from her but she holds my face tighter and pulls my face to examine it. Did I mention my friends are the opposite of chill? 

"TELL MEEEEEE!!!" she moaned. 

"Never!" I scream back trying to run away from her clutch. I ran out of the game room shutting the door to buy me more time. When I ran into the hallway I nearly screamed when I saw Markus standing there. I really need to change my locks in my house. He smiled at me and moved to kiss me. He must have seen that my parents had gone at the thought I was alone. 

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