Chapter 27

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Markus POV:

Hunter and I visited the orphanage shortly after the trip to Switzerland. The kids were really happy to see us and we had bought them some sweets and toys from the airport. We did not have to but I just happy to see them excited and happy. The ways their eyes brighten at small gifts truly made my day. I asked my parents to fund the orphanage as much as they could so the kids could have real birthday presents from 'Santa' which they proudly showed me and Hunter. Since it was a normal visit and not one organised by the school we were able to just sit and talk to them instead of playing sport. Mary did not leave Hunter side once and showed him pictures the orphanage took at her Christmas concert they hosted. I am kinda disappointed we did not get to see it but the pictures and videos were good enough.  

After the visit, we decided to go shopping because David was hosting a back to school party or Post news years party. I am not sure. Hunter making us go because apparently, it's the party of the 'year' which is dumb because the year just started. But I kept my opinions to myself. Plus I need Hunter friends to like me now we are officially going out. 

He reached to grab my hand as we entered the mall but I quickly moved away. There are many people in the mall that go to our school or now are parents we can't go around holding hands. I decided to keep a distance from him because it would be suspicious for us to be hanging out together. A brief hurt expression flashed his face but he quickly changed back to his cold attire and pushed his hands in his pocket. 

I felt a bit guilty but I knew it was for the best. I gave him a weak smile and tried to move a bit closer to him but he quickly brushed past me and walked away. I looked at him confused. Is he mad at me? I thought we both want to keep this a secret? Is that not we talked about. 

My phone started buzzing and I quickly pulled it out to see 'Lucifer' flashed on the screen.

"Since we can't go shopping together just meet me at the parking lot at like 2," he says his tone very cold. 


Before I could finish he ends the call on me. What the heck is wrong with him? He is being a baby right now. 

I decide to leave him and shop very angrily. I looked at the time and say it was 2 so I quickly walked to the car park. I saw Hunter leaning against his car with unclear expression. I stomped over to him. He did not even glance me a look. He just opened his car and got in. 

I got into the passager seat and slammed the door. 

"Don't slam my fucking door" 

"Don't act like a baby" 

He did not even say anything he just turned on his stereo and played his annoying music really loudly. Then he started to drive out. 

"Hunter turn that off" 

"No," he says still not meeting my eye. 

I decided to turn it off myself which he glared at. But did not even bother to turn it back on. What is going on? 

"What's wrong?" 



"I just don't get-" then he quickly shook his head and grinned. 

I am even more confused now.

"Look- yes I am being overdramatic. I am sorry just stupid Hunter things. Don't worry. Anyway, what did you get?" he says quickly changing the subject. 

"I- I got this nice shirt with patterns and I- are sure you okay?" 

"Yes," he says sternly but his eyes are telling me something else. 

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