Chapter 31

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Hunter POV: 

It's been a month since Markus and I were outed. After spending the night at my place we drove to school together with our heads up high and walked in holding hands. Everyone stared and whispered but we acted as if we could not hear them. After that day people started to slowly lose interest in us once they realized we like a normal couple. We still get stares and lots and lots of questions but it's not as bad. We started sitting at a new table in the cafeteria so we could have lunch together. The basketball team and football team still don't like each other so they sit on their separate tables away from each other, However, there is less drama between them due to Markus and I. 

Abby still has not spoken to either of us since it all went down. She barely looks us in the eye every time we walk by her. Markus says he is okay but I can see it's seriously bothering him. His Mum has also been keeping her distance. Markus says she acts as if nothing happened and every time he tries to talk to her she leaves the room or just ignores him. He says it's causing fights between his parents and he feels like a burden to his family. I was a loss for words when he told me that. I hated seeing him unhappy. I felt grateful my family was so understanding but my heart aches every time I see Abby walk by Markus as if he was a stranger. I am not even allowed in their house anymore. They did not necessarily say so but I got the message. So Markus and I mostly stay at my house my parents are never really around due to their jobs so we always have the house to ourselves until David cockblocks me. 

We haven't told the kids at the orphanage yet not that we need to tell them anyway. Just over the last few months, I feel we created a tight bond with these kids so It feels like we are keeping something from them. 

"Hunter, are you even listening to me?" Markus says in annoyance. 


He glares at me and kicks me under the lunch table. Hard I might add. 

"OWWW why do always attack me?!" I yell grabbing my legs to ease the pain. 

"Why do YOU never listen to me?" he snaps back pointing his fingers in my face. 

"I am listening! You said- um- that-" I rack my brain to remember what he was saying. "You said that..." 

"Dude just shut up and admit defeat," David says cutting me off before I embarrassed myself more. 

"Yeah, this is hard to watch," John says nibbling on strawberries.  

Markus folded his arms waiting for an apology. While everyone ate their food and enjoyed the entertainment. 

"Okay, so I was not listening but in my defence, it must not have been that important for me-" before I could finish he grabbed my ears and hanked it close to him. 

"Oh man you are dead" Maggie laughed 

"Let's make bets! I am Markus" Ella says pulling out some money. 

"Nah, Hunter looks like he is tired of playing nice my money is on him," David says pulling out a few bucks. 

"Thanks, guys really- OWWW" 

"What I was saying is was not important?" Markus says pulling my ears more. 

"When- did I say- that? Guys I never said that-" 

"He did" they all chorused. 

I hate them. 

"Okay, Okay I am sorry. Please let go of my ears?" I say giving him my famous puppy dog Hunter look. 

He sighs at let's go. I rub my ear to ease the pain a bit. 

"See was it that-" 

Before he could finish I grab his ear and pull it towards me and his yelps in shock. 

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