Chapter 24

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Markus POV: 

This last few days with Hunter had been amazing. We have been hanging out every day, going on secret dates and he has been buying me gifts. A lot of gifts. I was so confused at first I asked him if he had been abducted by aliens or something. He would always just laugh and simply kiss me.  

His kisses are always different some are soft and gentle others are fierce and passionate no matter which one I would always feel a burst of happiness once our lips touched.  

Today was the last day of trial. Which means today we decided if we going to be boyfriends or if we are just going to stay friends. We both know we sure as hell can't go back to being enemies. We made it too far.

We had a flight to Switzerland tonight and I could not help but feel jumpy. I would be spending 3 weeks with my soon to be boyfriend and we would have Christmas and New years together! The downside is we will be spending it with our families who still think we hate each other. 

I purposely took my time with my locker waiting for the hallways to clear. It took a while because everyone wanted to say goodbye to each other. So much hugging and crying like we aren't going to see each other in 3 weeks. I guess I'm only saying that because unlike them I would be spending time with my boyfriend. BOYFRIEND. I could not help but smile like an idiot again. 

Once the halls were cleared. I saw Hunter wave and fist pump to his buddies and then made his way over to me. I tried to look like I was pre-occupied with my locker to make it less suspicious. 

"Hey... so today is the day..." he whispers gently once his friends were out of sight. 

"It is?" looking at my locker like it was the most important thing in the world. I did not want to seem too eager. 

"Can you look at me?" his voice sounded annoyed so I turned around quickly. 


"Look... I don't think this is going" he says calmly with a stern face. 

My heart dropped below my stomach. It shattered into million pieces and made is way down my body in small bits of heartbreak. My eyes were starting to sting and I felt a lump in my throat. Had I read this week all wrong? 

"I thought-" my voice started too crack   

"It's just... I thought about it and... if we are going to be a couple you can't deny me of just a turn on I'm not ready to give up" he says grinning like an idiot. 

It took me a while to realise he was messing with me. He looked so proud of himself. Angry ran through me quickly. Does he think this is a joke? 

"You are so-" before I finish my sentence I started hitting him in the shoulder then I hit his head so he could gain more brain cells he is clearing lacking. 

"OW!" he complained as I kept hitting him "what happened to no more physical fighting?" 

"It not my fault you are an idiot" but I stopped hitting and tried to control my anger.  

"I'm the idiot? You are the idiot to think I would ever say no to being your boyfriend" he says pushing me back to my locker and closing the distance between our faces. "Why would I ever give up on someone like you... I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid" 

Just like that, all my anger disappeared and the butterflies came back. He was basically impossible to stay mad at when he said stuff like this. For someone who never been in a relationship, he sure knows how to make someone swoon.  

"Stop saying nice things. I am meant to be mad at you" I huffed but my face was as red as an apple. 

He lets out a deep chuckle and kisses me sweetly. It did not last for long but it was perfect. He moved back suddenly and look around. As if he heard something but there was no one here. 

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