Chapter 23

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"Ella make sure you start packing for Dubai!" my mother called from downstairs. She's being overdramatic it's only Tuesday and we are not leaving till Friday night. So I still have time. But my mother is a control freak as always. 

"Whatever" I called back trying to put on my uniform quickly. Markus would be picking me up in like 20 minutes and I can't be late again. I roll my skirt up and unloosen my tie a bit. I put on some lipgloss and started with my mascara. People always call me a slut or attention seeker for the way I dress but honestly I could not give a fuck. I dress the way I dress because it makes me feel happy and empowered. I put on my rings that I'm not allowed to wear to school and brushed my loud pink hair. My mother still weeps about my hair saying I ruined my 'beautiful' hair. It makes me laugh. She never even asked why I dyed my hair. 

I dyed it cause my old dirty blonde hair reminds me too much of him. My hair was the only thing that still linked him to me. It was a reminder I was still his child even though he had not been a father to me at all. Father. That dammed word. I hated that word. 

"Ella! Your friends are here hurry up!" I could hear my mother screaming downstairs. Of course, he is early.

"Coming!" I say running down the stairs throwing on my blazer and rolling up the sleeves. I quickly put on my shoes and tied my shoelace. My mother was staring at me with cup coffee in her hand and a silk robe. She was looking at me shaking her head slowly. Disapproving the little twist I put in my school uniform as usual. I grin at her and wave the flew out the door before we have another argument. 

I see Markus sitting in his red Porsche hymning to the words playing on the radio. Abby is in front dancing along to the beat and Laura on her phone ignoring their existence. I could not help but smile at my new friends. It took a while but I think they all starting to like me and I could not be happier. Then there is fucking Kelvin. Who started driving himself to school because of 'car space' but I know for a fact when Lola used to ride with them he was fine with it. He does not like me for some unknown reason which is fine because I think he is a scum. I have good radar for sensing assholes and when I look at him my asshole radar goes through the roof. But I keep my mouth shut because he is Markus's friend so I get into the car and dance along with the song. 


Markus and Hunter don't know it but the make school 110% more entertaining. I knew from the start these two liked each other and covered it with hate. Just by the way Hunter eyes filled with rage when I talked to his precious little barbie. I mean what straight man comes up with little cute nicknames for another dude? The way the acted towards each other was adorable. Little glances, inside jokes and lots of sexual tension. This was even before they started dating. 

 Vanessa and I bet on how long they would last before hooking up. I did not even know, she knew. I mean she is not the smartest cookie in the world. But she says is because she has 'sexual tension radar'. She can feel sex is present in a room.  I did not believe her at first but she knew straight away when they started to hook up even before I knew. So i lost 50 bucks. Also she kinda scars me with the whole radar thing. 

Anyway, now they are dating it's so cute to see them try to hide thier relationship. I am happy they are both happy. Even though Hunter is an asshole. He is a complety whipped asshole which makes him more bearable. 

I can't help take pride that I know about thier relationship before Markus even told his family. I never had a real friend before. I always just had people who followed me around but talk shit behide my back. I thought that was what I deseverd, but Markus made me think diffrent. 

"Hello Ella" 

I groan and shut my locker violently. I could already tell by the annoying ass voice who it was. 

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