Chapter 7

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Hunter POV:

"Yo David, who that new kid?" I ask staring at Markus's table in complete disgust. How am I meant to keep tabs on him if he making new friends? This is stupid that new kid is being sucked into Markus and his stupid bunch of friends. Typical. 

"That is John or is it Josh? I don't know heard he is a baseball player anyway so not really are business" David shrugged and continued eating his sandwich.

"Yeah, Hunter why do you care is it because he is talking with your boy toy?" Maggie joked.

"Shut the fuck up Maggie I'm not a fag like him" I grunted giving her stern look.

"Who said anything about being gay? You know what they said you have to be one to know one" she winked obviously trying to annoy me. I gave her a fake sarcastic laugh and put up my middle finger at her. "Love you too bro" she mocked.  

I rolled my eyes still glaring at Markus's table. I don't care who he friends with I just don't want him feeding him lies about me that might make the new kid think he can talk to me like shit. I mean look at him basically staring at Markus as if he is a superhero. This John or Josh kid better be put in his place once and for all. 

"I'm going over there and stoping this fiasco" I stood up abruptly and made my way across the cafeteria. I heard my teammates calling me back and Maggie and David running after me. I honestly do not give a fuck. 

As I approach the table the new kid became even paler. GOOD. Abby gave me a confused smile and her cheeks flushed. Laura and Kelvin gave me a cold glare and Lola alerted Markus I was here. Ruby... looked like a lost puppy. 

"What do we have here?" I say sarcastically grabbing the new kid's shoulder tightly and I felt him gulp. He went as pale as a ghost. I'm not surprised I have that effect on people. 

"My name.. is John-" He stuttered but I didn't let him finish I put my finger on my lips telling him to be quiet and turn my attention on Markus. "Markus I hope you haven't been telling lies about me to our dear friend Joshua" I squeeze the new kid's shoulder tighter but did not break eye contact with Markus. 

"Nope, I'm Christian I don't tell lies. I told him the truth that you are self-hearted prick and not to mention a little fa-" before he finished his sentence I slammed my hand on the table silencing the cafeteria. "Listen here, you fucking shit obviously you have a hard time behaving yourself and my violence doesn't scare you anymore so we going to have to settle this another way" I grab John by the hair and banged his head-on table.Hard.Everyone gasped. I usually don't hurt random people but the nerve of this kid walking in here being all buddy-buddy with Markus. Ruby ran to see if he was okay and even Abby gave me a sad look. 

"I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL HUNTER!" Markus yelled as I stormed out cafeteria in full-on rage. Maggie and David tried to call me back and asked me wtf was going on but I told them to leave me alone.

I jumped in my car and started punching my wheel in rage and screaming. 


Later that afternoon when I was chilling at home, When Maggie and David barged into my room. "Dude what the hell happened today at lunch?!" They screamed at the same time. Weirdos. Then Maggie hit me hard on the back of my head. "OW!" I yell even though I knew it was coming.

"Are trying to get kicked out of the team?!" David yelled punching me in the arm. Hard I might add. David and Maggie are basically like my siblings so It does not faze me when they do shit like this but come on I am basically turning into punching bag this week.

"No, I was just showing that stupid kid who is boss and Markus was being Markus" I groan going under my sheets to hide myself from this abuse and interrogation.

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