Chapter 13

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Markus POV:

I decide after the whole cafeteria beef. I was done with not being in control of my own life. I decide things need to change that if I ever want Hunter to respect me. I need to show him I'm not just going to let him walk over me because we were 'hooking up'. So I decided to pretend he does not exist. It was hard because he is so infuriating but that is where Ella comes in. She has this third sense about when I am about to freak out on Hunter and helps distract me. Even though I was a bit wary of her at the start she turned out to be really easy going and fun. She kind of bad influence on me but I like her. Unlike my other friends, she sees me as just Markus ', 'not Hunter victim' or 'Golden boy'. Although she still 'ships' me with Hunter which I find so bizarre because we hate each other. But she still ships for some reason. I wanted to tell her about us hooking up to see her reaction but I feel it's too soon. Anyway, we became really close friends really quickly which was surprising to everyone because we are literally opposites. The rest of my group is still warming up too her. They weren't used to her humour. Laura likes her though so that is a start.

Lola got jealous quickly and tried to fight Ella when she came to my house unexpectedly and saw me and Ella were binge-watching South Park. She got really angry and jumped on her calling her a whore and homewrecker. Ella being Ella fought back aggressively I might add and literally pulled out one of her braids. After me and Abby finally broke it up. Lola gave me an ultimatum. I decided it was best if we had a break which she told me to Fuck myself and that I will regret it.

This week has been exhausting. But I haven't broken down yet so there is still hope.

The sun rays beamed through my balcony and shinned directly on my face. I groned covering my face with my pillow. It's Saturday, I have been dreading this day all week. Not only am I alone with Lucifer incarnation for the first time this week. I also have to deal with the aftermath of kids seeing me fight Hunter.

I moaned and dragged my body into the shower. I had a nice warm shower and washed my hair with this new strawberry shampoo I bought. It smelt so I good. I moisturised myself with this new cocoa butter (Ella recommend it ). It makes me feel really smooth and makes me smell so nice. I threw on a white hoodie and some blue jeans and dried my hair. I fixed my hair in the mirror and brushed my teeth. I probably should have done it before the shower but I been feeling more reckless lately... ew I so cringe sometimes.

When I went downstairs my family was already having breakfast but they were all still in their pyjamas. Must be nice. I greeted them good morning and stroked my dog's head while he ate his breakfast. I grabbed a cereal box and poured myself some lucky charms.

"Please refrain from getting arrested again," my dad says jokily but I could hear the seriousness in his voice. His lips pressed together as he looked to see my reaction.

"I promise you this time. I will be on my best behaviour" I grumbled with cereal in my mouth. My sister whispered gross but I ignored her.

"You better be or you can say goodbye to everything you love," my mother says as she kissed me on the head "Also your hair smells nice" sniffing it slightly then she looked at me mischievously."You have a crush"


"Thank God, I disliked that Lola girl. Always had an attitude. Is it that new girl I keep hearing about?"

"I'm leaving now"

"Mom, he totally likes the new girl they are always flirting and he DUMPED Lola for her!" Abby shrieked laughing nearly choking on her smoothie.

"That's my son" my Dad joined grinning.


Before I slammed the door I heard my family laughing maliciously at me. Freaks.

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