Chapter 32

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Markus POV:

"Okay, guys. We need to start packing up. We have had a very long day" I say standing up from my beach chair ushering the kids to help clean up. 

We picked up all our rubbish and packed the empty lunchboxes. The kids have surprisedly helped out a lot so we are able to clear the place quickly and get back on the bus.  

When we were on the bus I could tell that everyone was exhausted. We had stayed the whole day at the beach. Unlike the trip here the kids were quieter and somewhere even asleep. It had been the most fun they had in a while. I was happy to see that they enjoyed the day. I walked down the bus to make sure they all had their seatbelts on and we to make sure we did not lose anyone. I helped them rest their necks on the chair so they don't get a neck ache while they sleep.

"Markus?" Marry says softly when I tried to help her rest her necks. 


"Is Hunter your boyfriend?" she whispers her eyes filled with curiosity. 

"Uh um huh?"

"That's what the others say," she says biting her nails nervously. 

I just smiled at her and nodded.

Her eyes nearly bulged out her head. 

"is that a problem?" I tease still keeping a happy face.

"N-no" shaking her head quickly. 

I smiled and ruffled her hair as she positioned herself to go back to sleep. 

I walked back and sit next to Hunter while he was playing something on his phone. He was moving his thumbs quickly and the screen and groaning in annoyance. 

I glanced at the game he was playing and giggling. He was only on level 13. I was already on level 21 on my phone. 

"Hey pass it to me," I say grabbing his phone "You are so terrible at the game" 

"I have been on this level for 3 days" he sighs allowing me on his phone. 

"It's not that hard," I say quickly moving past all the obstacles and fighting the zombies. I bit my lips contrasting very hard on the game. I was so close to finishing the level. 

When suddenly Hunter kissed my neck. 

I gasped in shock suddenly losing focus on the game and losing. 

"What was that for?!" I say glaring at him. I was close to winning and he ruined it. 

"You looked cute when you concentrate and your mouth was too far away," he says in a flirty tone. 

"You made me lose." 

"You make me cum" 

I gave him a threatening gaze which he just laughed at squeezing my cheeks. He is lucky there are kids around. I would have killed him. I remembered the kids and suddenly turned to see if anyone had seen that. Luckily they were all asleep now. 

"Don't kiss me in front of children" I whisper blushing. 

"They are sleeping," he says moving closer to kiss me again. 

I moved my head before he could kiss me anymore. He just grinned and took his phone back to play his game. I was really tired so I rested my head on his shoulder. While he continued losing at his game. I dozed off shortly after. 


After helping the staff at the orphanage carry the children to bed. Hunter and I waved goodbye to the carers and walked drove home. I looked at the time in the car it was 11:30. Which means by the time we get home it will be officially my birthday. I finally going to be an adult. 

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