Chapter 18

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Markus POV:

"Are we seriously doing this?" 

I am standing in my room shirtless trying to decide on what clothes to wear it was between Guess shirt or Polo shirt. Ella was seating on my bed with a short red dress and Doc Martins. She had really bright red lipstick and black eyeliner that made her eyes pop. She sat on the bed her legs crossed and her eyes traced around me curiously. 

"I mean Mr.Christian wants to go to not only a club but a GAY club?! Did my dealer put some crack in my weed or something?" she joked but still looked at me waiting for an answer. 

"What? I want to see if I'm actually gay or not... like maybe I'm just horny" I reply back still conflicted on which top I should choose. What screams I'm confused, help me? 

She got off the bed and pulled out a pattern short sleeve shirt and put it on me and began to button the shirt up. It was perfect. While fixing the buttons she looked up at me again with pity in her eyes. 

"Markus you know their bisexuality? or Pansexual and many other sexualities it's not all black and white" she says leaving a button undone making me looking kinda hot. She sure knows how to style hopeless men like me. 

"Bisexual- Pansexual- what in the world is that?" I asked confused out my mind. 

Ella looked at me for a moment as realised I was serious and burst out laughing. She covered her face to try and stop but made her laugh more. 

"Oh my little Markus you are too precious for this world" 

Then she explained everything to me. 


Hunter POV:

I'm not a stalker... I just might have accidentally seen Ella going to Markus house looking hot as fuck and usually when she goes their shes a mess so it intrigued me. Then I kinda saw them laughing and talking while they got into his car. Then I might have impulsively got into my car and followed them. 




When we get there I felt a bit overwhelmed with loud noise and flashing lights coming out of the large building. They were men smoking in front and some moving around drunkenly laughing and screaming.  They were two scary bouncers standing in front of the entrance as well as a line of people waiting to get in. I looked up at the sign and slightly cringe 'FAIRYLAND' so creative. Stop Markus you need this. 

I glad we did not need ID to get in. ID is only needed if you want to buy a drink at the bar. I researched it during last period. Ella said we could use fake IDs if we wanted to go to a bigger club but I rejected. I don't want to get arrested again. 

When we got in the lights were more intense than outside. Blue and white lights flashed and the beat of the sound vibrated beneath our feet. The music was your basic dubstep and super loud. It made my ears hurt. The dance floor was just as chaotic. They were so many bodies grinding and humping in rhythm with the music. I never have seen so many men act so sexually towards each other. They were some openly making out with each other and hands down each other's pants. I was traumatised. I started to panic. This was a bad idea. 

I turned my body to leave and then Ella stopped me and pulled me to sit by the bar. She could sense my panic and ordered shots with her Fake ID. The bartender looked at her for a while and shrugged giving her two shots of vodka. 

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