Chapter 8

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Hunter POV:

Okay maybe this time I am definitely in the wrong but in my defence golden locks basically provoking me by acting nice... It sounds better in my head. Through the whole day, he barely looked at me no matter what I did. Wait why do I care? Ugh, I need a drink. But I can't because I'm in the fucking police station. I mean this is not my first time here so I kinda know the drill but blondie over here looked like he was going to be sick. 

We have been sitting in the police station for like 20 minutes. We were cuffed to a chair and were a few inches away from each other. Markus has been shaking his leg for good 10 minutes and it's really getting on nerves. "Stop that" I whisper harshly glaring at him. "Just chill the fuck out, all they are going to do is call our parents." He still looked really panicked, I forgot he never been arrested before."Are parents are rich it won't go on our record it's not like we killed anyone"I joke trying to lighten the mood. I don't know why I'm even trying to make him feel better I should just leave him to panic. 

"I can't believe I actually let you get to me again! No matter how much I try is just- Are you in love with me or something?" I could not tell by his face if he was serious or not. I know he trying to trigger me or some shit but these gays jokes are old now. 

"Yes, I'm in love with you baby but since I can't have you I'll just settle for your sister" I tease but Markus's face is now bright red. Is he angry or embarrassed? I realise he is not looking at me but something behind me. So i quickly turned around and saw a fat grey haired policeman looking at us in disgust. 

Markus looks mortified, the man must have heard are conversation and think we having some weird relationship problems. Markus looks kinda...cute when he's embarrassed. That sounds so gay wtf is wrong with your brain. No one said a word for like a second and I decided to break the air in most Hunter way possible. 

"Look officer can please tell my boyfriend we don't need to break up! That I love him more than his sister. I mean sure she knows how to pressure a man but I need that emotional intimacy you know. But he won't get over the fact I fucked his ex-girlfriend. Lola? yeah her and fucking punched me talk about domestic abuse!" I saw with a James Charles kind of voice. Both the officer and Markus looked at me stunned. Markus's face now looked like flamming Hot Cheeto. 

The officer tried to keep a professional look but I could see right through his homophobic eyes. I mean I'm not a fan of homosexuals but like I don't care enough to hate them. Like fuck whoever just don't fuck me or do it in front of me. He began to unbuckle us from the chair cautiously like we are diseased "Look we called your parents and sorted it out they said we can let you guys go but if I catch you in here again-"

Before he could say anything more I grabbed Markus and dashed us out of the police station. No need for some fake threat. Wait, I'm holing golden boy hand now too what the fuck is wrong with me? I abruptly let go of his hand and pushed him away from me once we outside the police station. 

Markus glared at me but did not say anything he just started speed walking away from me. I don't get why he's acting like we aren't going the same way. Luckily the station is close to the orphanage so we could get our cars and go home. We walked to the orphanage in silence a few feet away from each other. Well, this was not what I expected but then again this is me and Markus. 


When I got home the house was empty. I mean my parents are usually travelling and busy with work but they are not meant to fly out until Sunday. Maybe I got the date wrong? I went to the fridge to see if there was anything to eat when suddenly  I got a text from Abby saying I should come over ASAP. I swear to God if Markus snitched on me about what I said about her! Ugh, I was just saying that to piss him off. Abby is like a little sister I would never sleep with her. 

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