Chapter 19

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Markus POV:

The kids were playing baseball today. It was chaotic as usual but It was better than the first time we tried to teach them baseball. I have never seen so much blood before. It still made me shutter. So much blood...

"You look hot in those" Hunter commented beside me. 

I drifted my eyes from the kids and looked at him nearly choked on my own saliva. His eyes danced with amusement with my reaction and grinned at my reaction. He is messing me, right? 

"Shut up, I was running late" drifting my eyes back at the kids. 

He chuckled at himself like it some kinda inside joke he had with himself. I ignored him and cheered when Mary caught a ball. He suddenly jumped and started cheering when he also saw she had caught the ball. I could not help but smile. Hunter would never admit it but he loves that child like his own.  

This was the last session until after the Christmas break. If I was not going on the yearly ski trip with me and Hunter family. I would have still visited them during the break. Even though they annoy the hell out me sometimes I kinda got attached to them. Even Tommy. Plus they don't have a family to spend Christmas with...but at least they have each other. 

"Okay, guys, that's a wrap! Sadly this last session until after the holidays. So I wish you all very Merry Chrismas and New years. You all better be good for Santa!" I say giving some of them hugs. 

"SANTA IS NOT REAL!" Tommy called out. 

"SHUT UP TOMMY!" Emily shouted back in annoyance. 

"Make me!" he called back and ran towards the house. 

She huffed and winked at me goodbye and gave me an air kiss before sprinting towards Tommy. I laugh those two will never stop. 

"Don't die on your trip!" Josh said squeezing me hard into a tight hug. 

I laugh patting him on the back until he finally let go and ran inside. 

Sophia shook my hand and said I did a good job. I grinned at her.  

Everyone had gone back inside. Well, I thought until I saw someone clinging into Hunter like her life depend on it. I walked over to them but Mary only squeezed tighter. Even Hunter looked reluctant to let her go. 

"Can we keep her?" he pouted while she clung on his back also using puppy eyes on me. 

"I wish we could... don't worry Marry once we get back we promise to visit you first thing okay?" 

She looked at me and then at Hunter and slowly started to let him put her down. She gave us both a hug and waved and she ran back into the orphanage. 

Once she was gone we both let out a deep sigh. Then we looked at each other. I just realised this first time we been alone since last night. I started to move to the car park and he followed me quietly. Before I got into my car he stopped me and grabbed me to face me. 

"I'm... sorry" he whispered like he was unsure.

"For what?" I ask but I could guess what it was about. 

"For everything. For following you, for screaming at you, for embarrassing you, for hurting you and basically I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. I'm really trying to change now though." 

"Apology accepted" I smile. Finally what I have been waiting for years a simple sorry. I turn to get back into my car to get in. 

"Wait.., hold the fuck up," he says closing my car door before I could get in. 

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