Chapter 16

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Markus POV:

When I opened my locker in the morning I was shocked to see 6 cholate chip muffins inside a yellow lunch box. It had a note stuck on top of it. 

Don't be mad - Lucifer  

I rolled my eyes and let out a long sigh. Well, at least he's not a mega dick. I opened the lunchbox and took a bite of the muffin. It tasted like heaven, rich chocolate and baked so nicely. It was like he sprinkled fairy dust on it. As I was enjoying my heaven muffins a loud bang beside me caused me to jump nearly dropping my muffins on the floor. I turned to see Kelvin resting beside my locker. Kelvin and I haven't really talked in a while. Like properly. I have been so busy with Hunter, Ella, orphanage and school. So we haven't really been hanging out like usual. 

"What's up, man? You were ghosting all weekend and what's that nice smell?" he says trying to look inside my locker which I quickly shut. There was still a muffin in my hand so he worked it out. "Don't be stingy, I haven't had breakfast"

I decided to be nice and give him one. I felt guilty for ghosting him this weekend. He digs into the muffin and moaned in delight on how nice it tasted. Causing me to instantly regret sharing it with him. I don't like to share food but I'm always too nice to say no. So I try not to grimace at him eating my muffin. 

"I was really busy this weekend sorry" answering his first question. 

"It's cool. Where did get these muffins? They taste better than bakery ones!" 

"I just found them in my locker, must be secret admire or something" I shifted my eyes to the floor and tried not to blush.

"Hmm... well whoever the girl is you better find her because she makes killer muffins," he says licking the paper liner for any extra crumbs. 

"Yeah whatever man. Let's go I don't want to be late on Monday morning" I say pushing him slightly away from my locker and directly to class. 

Kelvin could not keep his big mouth shut about the muffins and told everyone at lunch I had a secret admire. Causing everyone to tease me and ask me a question. Ella wiggled her eyebrows at me and wink. I had to stop myself from telling all of them to shut up. While they were teasing I glanced over at Hunter's table. He was sitting with his usual crowd and his teammates. Laughing and hitting each other in the head. He spoke in such excitement and confidence. Everyone circled around him like he was king. Listening attentively to every one word he said. I could not help but stare.

Ella moved close to me and whispered in my ear "you are staring again" and I blushed hard because I had been caught. Everyone must have interpreted that wrongly because of one of my teammates through a chip at me calling me a 'ladies man' today. They all started to tease me about Ella and asking what she said to make me go all red. I could not tell them so instead I placed a finger on my lips and winked. They all cheered and laughed. Ella did not seem to mind too much but It did not stop her from rolling her eyes. Abby nudged me and winked. 

I felt a pair of eyes on me from across the room. I looked up to see Hunter glaring directly towards me. His nose flared and I could see his veins popping from across the room. If I knew any better. I would say he is jealous. But Hunter doesn't get jealous. 

Then I felt my phone vibrate. 


I couldn't help but gulp. I wonder if I should have 911 on speed dial just in case. I told everyone I'm going to the toilet. They made jokes about be going to jack off and I gave them all a middle finger before I left the table. They laughed at me more. 

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