Chapter 21

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Markus POV:

This morning I felt a sudden burst of joy. I felt really happy and excited for some reason. The feeling you get on the first day of school. Scared yet a little thread excitement lingering around also. I made a conscious effort to shower and washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo. I put on my new expensive perfume and new moisture for my face.

 In other words, I looked kinda good. I smiled at myself in the mirror.

When I walked downstairs. My mother was reading the newspaper while taking little sips of her black coffee. When she saw I entered the room, she grinned at me and motioned me to sit down, putting down the paper. I went to sit down next to her slightly confused. 

"So it's been months since you and Lola broke up, right?" she calmly said with a neutral face so it was hard to read the situation. 

I nodded slowly unsure were she was going with this. 

"Well, maybe you should get back into dating? I mean you don't want to be single for prom right?" she says rubbing my arms. 

"Prom is months away... anyway why does it matter if I have a date to prom or not?" 

"It's just... Prom is a really important part of high school you know? Memories that will still with you for life. I'm just worried you won't get the full prom experience if you are single" looking at me to see my reaction. Before I could react she cut me off. 

 "Anyway, I have this friend with an amazing daughter-" 

"No! Are you trying to set 17-year-old son on a blind date right now?"

"No of course not! Is just Juile says her daughter went through a really rough break-up and so did you so I thought-"

"No mom that would be humiliating for both of us! Abby single too why are you not fixing her up?" 

"Oh silly. She and Hunter are obviously going together" she laughs like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Which made my blood boil. 

"They are not!" I say why to quickly causing my mom to raise an eyebrow. "I mean they don't even like each other like that" 

"Oh honey, they are just scared I give it a few months. I see the way she looks at him" 

Hunter doesn't look at her like that and never will. I wanted to say but I bit my tongue and ate some of the grapes from salad bowl left on the table. 

"Just try... you know what never mind," she says focusing back to her newspaper "I just trying to be a good mom" mumbling under her breathe. I pretend not to her and suddenly losing my appetite. I decided to skip breakfast and go to the car to wait for Abby. 

My mother and I are close but we often have a lot of hiccups. She always feels the need to control everything around her or put up a front for people. She did not say it out loud but I could read the underline message. I don't want to be the only mother who's son went solo to Prom. 

This made me realise she would never accept me if I ever came out. Her perfect son coming out as Bisexual? Her rich friends would have a field day with that. My mother would go... I shake my head at the thought. I will just come out to her when... I leave for college. It would better that way. 

This got me thinking about everyone else in my life. How will I come out to them? I mean with Ella it was different because we only became friends and she could sense it from the first day. Hunter's friends and I are not close but they looked more amused than disgusted so I didn't mind them knowing. But my friends? They aren't so...chill. They would freak. Laura maybe might be more amused but she would hate me for sneaking around with my twin's crush and Abby would never talk to me again. 

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