Chapter 30

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Markus POV:

We walked in the main dining room and it was kind of dramatic. Everyone was sitting on the table like we just finished covering up a murder. My mom's hands were clasped together sitting at the head of the table. Her face was unreadable. She seemed very lost in her thoughts. I started to feel very nervous and I moved in to sit with them. Hunter followed behind me and sat opposite to me. 

"Boys...someone sent us-" 

" we can explain?" Hunter said nervously. 

This first time I have ever seen him so nervous. 

"Did- is it a joke? We don't understand" Dad said shaking his head. 

" have...well" Hunter cringed and looked at me for guidance. I could see him fumble with his hands and he was not meeting anyone's eyes. 

In fact, no one was meeting anyone's eyes. The room was deadly quiet and everyone seemed lost for words. 

"We... wanted to tell you but- we did not know what was going on-" I say nibbling my lips anxiously. 

"Look, guys just be honest with us. Okay? Just tell us what's going on" Hunter's Mother finally said growing irritated by all the stuttering. 

"Well, Markus and I are like- um we- are like- a couple?" Hunter says staring at his hands. 

Our parents looked at us shocked and glanced at each other. 

"Since when? I thought you guys hated each other! You guys were two steps from killing each other the last time I checked! Was this the plan the whole time? To fool all of us? To lie to our faces? Abby has been crying her eyes out since she got home! Are you too happy with yourselves?" my moms says her eyes beaming with rage and her fist clenched. 

"Honey, maybe you should calm-" 

"Don't tell me to calm down! This whole thing is a joke! You boys are not gay! I don't know if this some sick prank-" 

"Mum! How can you say that?!" 

"Markus did, is not you! Think about the future. Think about Abby!" 

"With all due with respect Emma. I know it is a shock to all of us. But at the end of the day, it's the boys choice and if this is who they are as parents we should still accept and love them no matter what" Hunter's Mum said assertively. 

"Well, in my opinion, they are making the wrong choice" My mother says before standing up from the table and stomping out of the room. We all heard a bang as shut her bedroom door.   

My dad laughs awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Hunter's parents looked a bit saddened and Hunter looked scared. 

"Come on guys. Why the long faces? So what if you are little gay or bi or whatever the kids call it these days. At least we don't have to worry about pregnancies? Right, Robert?" My dad jokes to soften the mood. 

"Yeah, you guys can have as much se-" 

"ALL RIGHT!" Hunter's Mom says throwing her hands up. "I think your fathers are trying to say is. We still love and support you no matter what and Markus, do not worry. I am sure your Mum is just shocked by the whole thing. I mean we all like that was the biggest shock in my whole 48 years of life. But she will come around soon. Don't worry. Plus any problems our house is your house." 

I smiled at her gratefully while she rubbed my back in support. 

"Now tell us how did this all happen!" My dad says curiously looking at us. 

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