Chapter 11

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Markus POV:

After the whole drama in the morning, I was really out of it at school but I tried to play it off as headache. Abby was also very reserved today but I too drained to ask her what was up with her so I left it. Laura could deal with it

Kelvin came to my house after school to help me study for a test we have coming up. He's always been the smartest one of the group especially with maths. He tried asking what was wrong with me that I seem upset. I brushed him up and said I still felt a bit sick and he shrugged and we continued the work. Lola texted me saying we should hang out tonight since my parents aren't here but I told her  I was going to have an early night. Too be honest lately she's just been so clingy and annoying I can't handle her anymore. She texted me a long paragraph but I honestly to busy to read it so I didn't open it. She is going to kill me.

After Kelvin went home, I changed into my pyjamas and turned on my led lights and jumped into bed. Finally, I can rest after a long stressful day. I sighed and turned on the Tv. I decide to watch Good Girls on Netflix.

Then suddenly my balcony door opened and Hunter stumbled in landing on the floor. I really need to start locking it. Hunter quickly got up and adjusting himself due to the fall. I couldn't help but grin but I quickly stopped when I remembered who he was.

"What are you doing?" I whined. I am not in the mood to talk to this asshole especially after embarrassing myself this morning.

"I went to therapists today "

"I don't see how that any-"

"Shut up and listen"

" Why would I-"

"And he thinks we are unhealthy"

"I mean he's not wrong-"


I rolled my eyes. 

"Anyway, long story short I think we need to let out angry in another way"


Hunter did not answer he just walked to my bed and pulled me up to sitting position. His green eyes sparkled lightly as he looked at me intensely looking like he was debating his next move. I gulped suddenly growing nervous. He grabbed my face and crushed our lips together. It all happened so quickly. He pushes me on the bed to lie down fully as his togue battled with mine. I know this is wrong but I grabbed the back of his head, deepening our kiss. It was hot and passionate not sloppy like the night at his party.

Then I saw a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Hunter was on top of me kissing me like I was one of his hook up. He had once again used his hot sexy pink tongue and to lure me into his submission. Great.

The sudden realization caused me to push him off me. He stumbled back looking shocked and kind of angry.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he growled literally GROWLED has he gone insane?

"What wrong with me?! you assaulted me with your mouth again!"

"You were kissing me back barbie" his white teeth smiled mischievously like he was irresistible.

"I- doesn't matter why are you even kissing me. 1 I'm not gay and 2 i have a girlfriend"

Hunter smirked and looked around the room.

"I don't see her"

"Hunter, what do you want?"

"You. Well, not you. Your body."

I could feel myself blushing when he said that. Markus why?

"What do-"

"I mean I don't want to be your boyfriend or your friend. Fuck I don't want to be your acquaintance. But for some reason, my body reacts well to your body and I want to see how far we can go. Plus with everyone down our necks about fighting why don't we come up with an alternative way to our frustration out? Don't dare call me gay either you just have female features"

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