Chapter 29

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Hunter POV:

"So can you all tell me what happened or do I have to interview you separately," Mr.Sctofiled says looking at all of us intensely. 

We all started to speak at once trying to explain our side of the story but Mr.Scotfiled banged the table causing all of us to shut our mouths. No one said anything for a few moments. 

"Markus, you explain" 

Markus looked around awkwardly obviously not wanting to explain the situation in front of everyone. Mr.Sctofiled got the message and sent the rest of us outside to wait. While Markus explained everything to him.   

I tried not to look at Kelvin because I swear if I look at him again. I will kill him. It took me all my strength not to beat him to death in the hallway. I could see Lola from the corner of my eye seeming happy with herself and I wanted to scream. She started all this. She is so fucking lucky she is a girl. So fucking lucky. 

Maggie rested her hand on mine and gave me a supportive smile. I think she could sense I was still raging from the inside. I gave her hand a squeeze to show her that I was okay. Well Okay as one can be in this situation.  

Mr.Scotfiled called all of us back in. His face was very serious. The most serious I have ever seen him and I have been to his office many times. Markus was sitting down staring at his palms not meeting anyone eyes. But at least his nose looked okay now less bloody. 

"Lola, I am lost for words to how to deal with you. I am going to be nice enough not to report you to the police for cyberbullying as from today you are expelled from this academy and if you come anywhere near this school. You will be reported to the police imminently for trespassing" he said firmly staring at them in disgust. 

Lola's face had finally broken from her normal confident self. She looked terrified. Her eyes filled with worry and she started nibbling her lips in fear. 

"But sir-" 

"I don't want to hear it. Lola this was your last strike. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt with whats going on with your parents but enough is enough" he says shaking his head in disappointment. 

Kelvin, on the other hand, seemed fine like he did not care. He looked bored the whole time as if he believed he had done nothing wrong. As if he was the fucking innocent one.   

"Kelvin, you will also be expelled and you are very lucky Markus agreed not to press charges on you because what you have done today is considered hate speech. If I ever hear you come close to either Markus or Hunter it would not be good for you." 

"You can't expel me, sir,  my dad basically owns this school. He will never allow it" Kelvin says confidently. 

"Well, it's a sure good thing I called your mother to tell her the whole story. She is not pleased with ALL and I am very sure she agrees with the punishment and talking to your father about it as we speak" Mr Scotflied said with a slight grin. 

"But- But you can't do that I am- I am" Kelvin confidence started to distort just as Lola had. 

"The academy's officers are outside ready to escort you both out. I would say it's been a pleasure but I don't lie" 

We all tried to hold in our laughs. 

Lola and Kelvin protested as the officers came in to take them out but were ignored and forced to leave the premises before they would be fined for trespassing. 

When the door was shut Mr.Scotfiled looked at all of us and we all dropped are grinned. Oh no. He had the don't think you are off the hook face. 

"Ruby for taking the photos you will have clean up duty for a month and 5 weeks of detention. Maggie,Ella and Laura, you will have 2 weeks of detention for the fighting but due to circumstances, no other punishment will be needed. Becca and Toni, you will have 3 weeks of detention for choosing the wrong side of the fight. Call me unfair. Hunter and Markus you will have to do more hours in the orphanage" he says his face looked calm but his tone was deadly. "Now all of you out and if i SEE another fight in this school I swear to god I will cancel Prom. Do I make myself clear?" 

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