Chapter 14

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I stood there flabbergasted. Did he just reject me?! ME? 

When he decided to ignore me all week, I never felt more bored in my life. I tried everything to forgot him. Every girl I slept with could not even compare to blondie, they did everything I told them too but it was not enough. That terrified me, I haven't even had sex with him yet and I can't stop thinking about his soft pink lips and what he can with them. No matter how much I tried I kept hearing his whimpers and moans and it was driving me crazy. Even in my sleep, Markus took hostage of my dreams. I had kissed the forbidden fruit and now I can't get enough.

So today I tried to be nicer. It was hard because Markus was making a fool of himself as always but I bite my tongue and let it happen. When we had the race I barely even tried. I thought if I let him win he might be in a good mood and forgive me. The plan completing backfired on me. Now he thinks he has some type of power over me. 

He has nothing over me. I will not hurt my pride just to get some ass. 


*a few hours later*

  "Hunter what are you doing here?!" 

After hours of pacing in my room and punching my wall in frustration. I decide to play my Markus rules. For now. I even decided to be polite and go through the front door. 

"Hey Abby, um are parents home?" 

"Nah they went for a business dinner or something...why?" she was wearing a red sweatshirt and black leggings. She looked self-conscious of her natural state but I honestly don't care how she looks. 

"Oh um, no reason," I say awkwardly but try to cover it with laughter. This so awkward. 

Then I heard someone walking down the stairs."Abby who was at the door?" the voice says. 

"Hunter..." she calls out. 

There was a weird silence and then Markus reached the end of the stairs and just stared at me in shock. He had changed into spiderman t-shit and some joggers. He looked kind of cute but I pushed that thought of my mind when I realised it's Markus I am talking about and he is not cute. 

"What are you um doing here?" he narrows his eyes at me. 

"Remember we have that orphanage thing we need to discuss?" I try to send him a message to show him I'm lying because of Abby. 

"What orphanage thing?"not understanding my eye message. For a smart kid, he is pretty clueless. 

"THAT ORPHANAGE THING" I emphasise glaring at him. Tilting my head at Abby to spend a clearer message. 

"I have no idea... ohhhhh" 

Abby looked at in between us. Her face was scrunched up in confusion.

"Follow me," he says grabbing my arm and running upstairs trying to avoid Abby questioning. I followed him and turned to smile at Abby waving to make it less awkward. 

"Don't hurt each other" she called out. 

When we reached Markus's room he pulled me and shut the door. He rested his back on the door and fixed his gaze at me while I sat down on his bed. 

"What do you want?" 

"I decided to listen to you, which I probably going to regret but here I am," I say as I  playing with his stuff animal. He has had this teddy bear since he was a kid. I remember trying to burn it once and he nearly cried so I 'accidentally' let go of it so he could have it back. He punched me that day for the first time. Aw, memorises. 

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