Chapter 12

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Hunter POV:

"Hunter sit down quickly you are already late" the teacher yelled at me but I ignore him still gaping at... Ella? I think that is her name. 

I went to go sit next to her slowly. She turned to look at me her eyes brightening up. Fuck I can't let her tell people I go to therapy. Only Maggie, David and Markus know. Abby probably does now but she never brought it up. Markus knows because he was the main reason I had to go because 'I nearly killed him'. I was 13 and just found out fire and hairspray made a good weapon. Also, It's not my fault I found that out while we were fighting. Anyway, the teachers suggested to my parents I talk to someone for my random burst of angry. As it was not the first time I have tried to kill a student. 

"What the fuck are doing here?!" I hiss at her. I need to show her who runs shit around here before she goes running her mouth.  

"I got expelled for fucking my teacher... and nearly burning down the school. But why are you being so rude? If I remembered correctly you also wanted to fuck me in toilets yesterday" she smirked. The same fucking smirk I give people. Holy fuck. She is me and Vanessa love child.  

"How do nearly... and you fucked a teacher?! Are you insane?" 

"Are you?" she challenged. 

"Look don't you dare go spreading my business. Do you hear me? Cause you may have been bad chic in your old school but here I am. So keep your fucking mouth shut" I challenged her back not breaking eye contact

"You are a bad chic?" she mocked breaking eye contact with me and started drawing in her book.

"Listen to me" I repeated slamming my hand on r book which forced her to look at me. 

"You listen to me. I don't go talking shit about people anyway so calm the fuck down. Second, now I know you are a basic alpha male. You have become unfuckable" she huffed. 

We ignore each other for the rest of the class.

My next class was with barbie which I was unusually excited about it. I strolled in class and I was again shocked at what I saw. barbie was talking to satan herself. Ella. I don't need them talking shit about me together! 

When I reached the desk they were laughing at something. Well, Ella was laughing, Markus pale skin had turned a soft shade of pink and his blue eyes were wide open. What did she tell him? Only I make him blush like that.

I place my hands on his shoulder causing him to slightly flinch but relaxed once he saw it was me. Ella, however, was glaring at me and look between me and Markus trying to understand our relationship. 

"So what's going on here?" I questioned hands still firmly on Markus.

"Oh it's the asshole from maths," she says rolling her eyes and playing with her hair and rolling her eyes at my presence.

Markus laughed and I gave him a look, you know the 'you better shut the fuck up' look. He pushed my hands of him and gave me the 'you aren't in charge of me look'.  Then we started having an argument with our faces.

Then we heard an annoying high pitched laugh. We both looked at Ella who was covering her face with her hands trying to stop herself from dying with laughter. Is this girl crazy? 

"I did not know you had a boyfriend! Especially one so fucking hot. You guys are so cute omg." she squealed excitedly. 

Why does every new person we meet assume me and Markus are dating? 

Then she stopped laughing and glared at me suddenly "If you had a boyfriend why were trying to fuck me!" she nearly screamed. She looked at me like I killed her puppy. 

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