Chapter 25

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Hunter POV:

"You guys will have to share a room," my mum says after we finished exploring the cabin.

 The cabin very spacious it was well furnished and had really creepy paintings in every room but apparently its 'art' not creepy. I'm just glad each room had big massive Tv. So I can play video games at night...that's if Markus doesn't keep me preoccupied. There were 4 big bedrooms which meant Markus and I had to share one. I was praying that it would be a kingsized bed like the other rooms but it was 2 twin beds which were too far apart for my liking. 

Usually, when our families went on holidays in the past we always hated sharing rooms together and somehow one of us would end up sleeping elsewhere after a night of arguments. Due to be always bringing a girl back to fuck. But now I have Markus and that is all I need. 

Everyone was looking at us intensely waiting for an argument to come about. I drifted my eyes in no particular way and acted unbothered and bored with the situation. 

"I don't care as long as HE stays on his side," Markus says

"Same here," I simply say still not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Okay, fights guys remember our deal!" 

We nodded at them and we all went to our rooms to rest after the long flight. Everyone was jet lag and tired. Everyone but Markus who slept like a baby through the whole trip. He even slept again in the ride to the cabin. 

I dumped my bag and suitcases on the floor and dove into the fresh sheets. I was so exhausted from that long ass journey. I heard Markus lock on the door and then he started moving the bags that I had dumped to the closet. I would make a joke about him being wifey but I was too tired.  

My eyes fell heavy as I begin to doze off. 


I woke up to Markus lying on top of me looking at me lustfully with his big blue eyes. The room was nice and warm and I turned to see everything unpacked. He must have done all this while I was sleeping. 

"Well this is a nice way to be woken up" I joke 

"You have been sleeping for the whole day. I thought you were dead" 

"So you lie on my me and give me sex eyes? I did not know you had a kink for dead people" 

"Do you want to die?" 

"So you can have sex with my dead body? Uh no" 

He glared at me and started to move away from me in annoyance. Before he completely left the bed I grabbed his arm and pushed him onto the bed. I moved on top of him and smiled at him before kissing his head. His eyes lock with mine and he lets out a little laugh. A very cute laugh. He then leans in placing his lips on me. The kiss started off sweet and gentle but then I started to get a little rougher. I pushed my tongue further down his throat causing him to groan. I push my lips harder against his and lifted my head up to let him gasp for air. I moved back in with the kiss nibbling his lips first to tease him before diving back to the kiss. 

He grips on my hair to push my body more too him. I happily obliged and grind him, softly, with my body. I slowly started to kiss his chin then moved on to his neck. I dug my head in his neck and started to nibble and suck on hit hard. He let out a deep moan and closed his eyes letting me pleasure him. I moved my hand down his pants and started to massage his cock with my hands. I moved my lips to his adam's apple and started to suck on it gently. He was going crazy with the pleasure from my hands and lips. He removed his shirt to give me more access to him. I linger my kisses from his neck to his chest. Leaving marks on his body. I then moved my lips to his nipple. 

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