Chapter 6

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Markus POV:

After the adults failed attempt to get Hunter back. They returned to the dinner table silently sighing. I wanted to go after him and tell him to stop being a baby and come back to dinner and at least fake it for our parents. Then I remembered I was ignoring him and he no longer my concern not that he ever was. But then again I don't want to deal with our parents alone but before I could move Abby got up and dashed after him.

Of course, I sighed mentally. I don't get what she sees in him. I mean he is not ugly or anything but he has an awful personality. You know what I don't care anymore Hunter is not ruining my senior year.

"I feel guilty we did not mean to imply Hunter was the source of the problem," my mother says looking out the window probably wondering if Abby was coming back.

"No, you have nothing to apologises for Hunter is very prone to jumping to conclusions. He just needs time to cool off." His dad reassured.

"Yeah, you know teenage boys and their mood swings and Abby probably calm him down a bit young love and its powers" Hunter mother jokes. Well actually it's less of mood swings and more he went on holidays so he skipped way too many therapy sessions and now he comes back unable to control his anger but that doesn't seem appropriate to bring up during dinner so i sip my water and stayed quiet.

"Let's hope he doesn't get too horny around my little Abby. I am too good looking to become a grandfather," My dad said half-joking. All the adults laugh and I take that as my cue to leave. Hearing about my arch-nemesis and my twin sister sex life is something I don't want to hear.

"Well, I'm going to head upstairs and do some homework so goodnight everyone" I smiled and waved as I made my way upstairs. I heard adults laugh and chuckle at my obvious awkwardness.

Usually, around this time, I would call my friends or me and Abby would do homework and watch a movie or Lola and I would be making out in her basement but I shut everyone out today and I'm not ready to apologise just yet. So I turn on the Tv in my room and watched my favourite show at the moment 'New Girl'. It always puts me in a good mood.


*Alarm rings*

I groaned trying to grab my phone to turn off the awful apple alarm. After for what seemed like forever I turned it off. I crawled out bed and went to my bathroom. After showering I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. I saw the cleaning ladies and greeted them putting a smile on their face. I make myself breakfast as I scroll through my Instagram.

Abby walked into the kitchen wearing crop top and jeans with airforce 1s and scrunchi on her hand. She looked at me as if she was debating on what her next move was going to be. I held my breath slightly bracing myself for an outburst. Any moment from now.

"Look, Markus, I'm sorry I overreacted though you could have been more careful with your words it was wrong of me to dismiss your feelings"

"I'm sorry too Abby I just let my hate for him cloud my judgement you are free to like whoever you please even if he is a demo- never mind"

She laughs shaking her head as makes her smoothie. I smile today might not be a bad day all I need to do is make-up with my friends and everything will be okay. I not going to let satan ruin my life anymore. I will ignore his presences. You can do this Markus.

20 minutes later...

"HE DID WHAT?!" I yell nearly crashing the car. I am beyond pissed I'm going to kill him. I will kill him. I WILL END HIM.

"It's not a big deal oh my gosh, it was my fault," Abby says trying to calm me down.

"He made you cry. MY TWIN sister cry. my blood sister cry. No matter what happened, your eyes watered because of him" FLIP ignore his presences I'm killing him.

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