Chapter 2

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Hunter POV:

Coming in a week late to senior year was bound to cause head turns. Everyone probably thought I moved school or something as I ghosted everyone during the summer break. No one had heard a word of me until now. I'm not going to lie and say I don't love the attention. I fucking loved it. Hearing the whispers and feeling curious eyes following my back as I walked in the school. I grinned at those who whispered my name and watched them get flustered and blush ashamed when I stared back amused.

I saw my boy David, sat at our usual spot talking and joking around. David saw me first and ran up to me and hug me screaming my name and jumping. The others looked up and rushed over and asked where the fuck I have been and how I'm doing and basic shit like that.

"Man you can't be ghosting us like that" David said while punching me in the arm.

"Sorry guys, me and the fam went to Italy for the holidays I was a bit preoccupied and I felt that I need cleanse myself from the American lifestyle to really understand the culture" I say in posh Italian voice.

The boys looked at me in disbelief.

"Plus the girls there are so fucking hot" I add in my normal voice.

"That's the hunter we all know and love" laughed David along with the other boys.

It's good to be home after a summer of sexy girls, parties, alcohol and more hot girls it's nice to be back with my team.

Suddenly I felt someone jump on me hugging me tightly from behind. I already knew who it was before I even turned around. I could smell her strawberry shampoo and her Gucci bomb perfume from a mile away. She got off me and turned me around, joining our lips together. Our mouths moved in sync and she pressed her body closer to mine. She wrapped her hands around me tightly deepening the kiss. She jumped on me and wrapped her legs around my hips and pushing our tongues together. I groan as she lightly bit my lip and she moaned and as we fought for dominance with our tongues. The guys hurried off saying something about keeping my dick together or some shit like that. After, a short while, she got off me and looked me in the eyes with complete lust.

"Where the fuck have been? I have been fucking my Dads friends because you been gone all summer then decide to come one week later which cause my boobs to get sad because all the guys are scared to fuck me because I fucked you and they think you're man whore with 50 diseases and your teammates don't want to fuck because of some stupid 'bro code'. I even tried teachers but all they care about is their stupid family and jobs" she ranted catching her breath for talking so fast.

"Did you just say your boobs are sad ?"

"Yeah, should I show you?"

"Vannessa we are in school"

"that has never stopped us before "

"I'm changed, man I don't do such foolish things."

"I got my nipples pierced"

"SAY NO MORE TO CLOSET" I dragged her to the closet the bell rang but fuck the bell I need to pussy and I need it now.

It's good to be home.


As I walked in late to Mrs.Wally all head turned around in shocked. They are probably shocked I even showed up to the class, I usually ditch 1st period to have some alone time with the ladies but I felt I need to make it known I'm back plus there a certain blondie who probably been itching to see my sexy face.

His blue eyes stared at me in disgust and I grinned at him. The little bicth really thought I really left? Did I come a week later just to give him to think I am gone? Did I hide in a hotel for that said week to make sure he doesn't know I'm in town? Yes, I did. Why? Because I love messing with my little Christian blondie. He thinks him and his little group run the school but no, I do. Seeing his smug face walk around the school with his stupid girlfriend and the rest of his friends thinking they are it makes my blood boil.

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