Chapter 3

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Markus POV:

Hate is a strong word. Is what I usually say to people when they tell me they hate someone. However, Hunter is a different breed for the hatred he makes me my skin crawl. I hate his stupid smirk and his cocky attitude. Yes, I didn't like Mrs.Wally and she was a pain in the butt sure. But the treatment our class gave her was appalling. The class can be a bit much at times but Hunter just pushing the limit too the extreme. Beng told by Mr Scofiled that he close to expelling me because of Hunter really irked me. I had a hunter free summer and a whole week of Hunter free school and I was doing perfectly fine. Now he's back and I'm back to being blamed for Hunter beating me up?

When Mr.Scofield escorted us out of his office and we walked into sports hall I averted my eyes from looking at him and his stupid face. He makes me a person I don't like becoming I would never get into fights, I usually avoid swearing but when I'm with him all I do is swear and I would have never ended up in Mr.Scofiled office if it wasn't for him. Since we first meet I have hated him.

Our parents have been friends since they were teenagers and decide to move into the neighbourhood when Abby and I were born. Since they were such good friends for a long time they tried to make us friends. It did not work every time we were around each other we would cry it got worse as we got older. At 3 he stole my juice box and I tried to grab it off him he fell and cried like a baby. At 5 he bites me because I tried to steal his lunch I didn't tell anyone the last part instead I screamed and cried like a baby. Causing everyone to scold him. At 10 we started to get more physical wrestling matches and pranks became a normal thing it got so bad I remember he dislocated my arm. I had to wear a cast for weeks. The teachers at this point knew to keep us apart but it didn't end there. By 12 we had found our love for sports I loved football he loved basketball. Then we had an argument about which was better and it ended up us both getting kicked out of school for week lets just say there was some a lot of blood. At 14 puberty hit us both hard which only meat more mood swings and we started becoming more likeable? I really hate using popular but basically are popularity grew. Due to is rivalry our teams decide to take sides footballers do not like basketballers and basketballers do not like footballers its been like that since Hunter and I become captains. It won't change. Our family, teachers, and peers have gotten used the fact we will never get along.

"I can't believe you got me in trouble again!" I yelled tried of keeping my cool.

"Tinkerbell you did not all by yourself," he said mockingly.

"I haven't gotten into trouble once since you were gone, now look at me walking LATE to my second lesson because you couldn't keep your mouth shut"

"You know all through summer I was so happy and calm because I didn't have to hear your stupid voice nagging at me about everything because that all you do moan and whin I'm not even going to make a sex joke because I'm pretty sure you don't know what that means" he pulls a playful grin to make sure I knew he was thinking about something dirty.

"You are the most disgusting person I have ever meet." I hiss in utter disgust.

"I didn't even make the joke you and your virgin ass needs to get laid"

"I'm waiting till marriage if you must know, you can have fun and stay without sleeping with half the population"

"sorry bumblebee, being a prude is not part of my to-do list. Why have one girl when you have 10? We are 17 we don't need to be trapped this young we have a whole life to do that"

Deep down he has a point on last bit seventeen is still young age who knows what will happen in a few years? But I wouldn't call love being trapped if your in love you can't be trapped every day is meant to be beautiful. Ew, why do I sound like hopeless romantic? I need to stop watching romance movies with Abby and why am I even listening to this moron.

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