Chapter 15

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I re-read the text over and over again. I slap myself lightly to see if this was a dream. Sweet little Abigail from next door wants to have sex?! With me?! 

The wrong twin, I joke to myself but quickly compose myself. This is serious. What do I do? Any other circumstances I would fuck her but Markus would kill me. Plus it would feel wrong and weird. The list goes on why this messed up. Ella must have got to her head, she now thinks sex is the only way to get me to like her back. If only her brother would take notes...UGH stop this is serious. 

I kept wracking my brain to think of what to say.


I cancelled that thinking it was too mean and insensitive. 

I tried again; no? 

I shook my head and cancelled it. Way to blunt. 

At the end of the day, I came up with a perfect response. I blamed it on Markus and went to bed. 


I was woken up with pillow being hit on my head. violently. I heard the attacker yell out curse words at me and I used my arms to block hits that were coming my way. Then finally stood up in annoyance. 

"What the heck are doing?" shocked to see my attacker was Abby. What have I done this time? 

"Did you tell Hunter if he ever touched me you would report him to the police?!" she yelled her face red with anger and her fist clenched in a ball. 

"NO! Why would I do that?! I gave you my blessing to go after him didn't I?" 

"Did you really? Because he told me he can't have sex with me because you threatened him!" she did not yell this part that loud because of mom and dad. 

"SEX?! You want to have sex with that demon! Abby what about saving yourself?" I yell slash whisper. 

"My body, my choice. Don't change the subject. Why would Hunter lie? hmm? He has sex with anyone even Ella, who he doesn't even like. Why wouldn't he want to have sex with me? I have known him longer" 

"Hunter would lie because he is a coward and never takes the blame. Ella never had sex with him anyway! Didn't you notice he has never had sex with Maggie? Why because he has known her since they were kids. He is an only child so he tries to create sibling bonds with people often. He sees you as a sister. Nothing more. I'm sorry but as your brother, I have to honest." 

She just stared at me while water filled her eyes and turned her body to leave the room without uttering a single word. I took a deep sigh. Every conversation seems to be about Hunter these days. I just want my sister back. I need to take a shower and get ready for church. 

In the car, Abby avoided eye contact with me and just stared out the window. Not speaking to anyone. Mom tried to joke with her about waking up at the wrong side of the bed but Abby didn't even crack a small smile. Dad tried to ask what up with us, that we never this quite on Sunday morning but I softly replied with and Abby did the same but quieter. My parents both looked at each other but said nothing. 

Church went on as usual. I prayed and asked God forgiveness for the next time I see Hunter. I also asked God to forgive me for hooking up with Hunter and lying about it. After Church we greeted my dads work friends and their kids. Smiling, handshaking and small talk is part of going to church. Hunter family was here but not Hunter. Probably still sleeping. I still can't believe he had the nerve to put blame on me! 

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