Chapter 10

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WARNING: Mention of self-harm

Hunter Pov:

When Abby ran out of my house in tears I felt really bad. It was just such a shock why would she like me? I know I'm sexy but I am known for sleeping around and never doing relationship. That day she kissed me I was glad Markus came because I was so in shock. I mean I thought we both understood we just friends. I told her I loved her as a friend and I'm just not ready for a relationship. She tried to put on a brave face but as soon as I finished a tear dropped from her eyes and one drop turn into 100. I tried to comfort her but she pushed me slightly and smiled saying it was okay and quickly left my house.

She kind of looked like Markus when she cried but Markus's eyes are bluer when he cries and he lets out more emotion. I sighed loudly to myself and went to my parents' alcohol cabinet and grabbed whisky. Probably a bad idea considering I'm still kind of hungover. But I'm bored and not in the mood for sex or partying. I would get high but I'm not in the mood to binge eat.

I grabbed a glass and sat on my couch turning on the TV. This is fucking depressing so I dropped the whiskey and called David and Maggie over. David could not come because he is with some chick but Maggie texted saying she would be there in 20 minutes.

I decided to put some pizza in the oven cause I'm starving and the cook only works when my parents are home. The cleaners though did a good job at clearing the house up like 200 teenagers weren't fucking up the house 12 hours ago. Wow so much has happened since yesterday. Both the twins have kissed me in less than 48 hours. If someone told me a couple of weeks ago I had kissed either of them I would have laughed in their then punched them for calling me gay. Wow, maybe I do need a drink.

Before I could even think of it Maggie walked in looking fire as always. She was only wearing sweats but she looked good in it. People used to think me and Maggie went out but we shut down the rumours quickly. We only ever seen each other as brother and sister. I mean I have known her since I was 2 and we been friends since then. Abby and Maggie are the only girls I would never have sex not because they are ugly. They are far from ugly. I just don't ever want to hurt them. Plus they closest things I have to sisters. Well, Abby kind of ruined that.

She jumped next to me on the couch and put her legs on my lap and lay down. She turned her head and saw the whiskey bottle and then sat up. "What happened?" she says while grabbing the whiskey and shaking it at my face. Basically meaning explain or I'll kill you.

I told her how Abby confessed her love from me. She hit my back hard and screamed no fucking way. Her face looked as shocked as me when she Abby kissed. I wonder how she would react if she found out me and Markus kissing. She would lose her mind. Even though we are close I would never tell anyone about that. It was a drunken mistake.

"Maybe you do need the whiskey after all" she laughed pouring some of the whiskey in the glass on the table. Before she lifted to her lips. I stopped her.

"How are you getting home?"I ask there is no way in hell I'm driving drunk Maggie home. When she is really drunk she gets even more aggressive.

"Well I thought you would be kind enough to-"

I cut her off before she said anything else and grabbed the glass quickly and drank some whiskey. Grinning at her. Now I can't drive her. She screamed and started kicking me and hitting me calling me a stupid whore. I started laughing while trying to protect myself until she calmed down.

After like 10 minutes we decide to ditch the alcohol and just get high. She said she could stay over. Her parents are chill as fuck they have such a good bond with them she legit tells them everything. Like everything. They don't care what she does as long as she is safe and happy.

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