➢𝟎𝟏【host family】

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A/N: before we start, please remember this ^-^

bold letters = they're speaking chinese

normal letters = they're speaking korean

𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟎𝟕 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓

Xiao gou! Renjun carried his dog as he spin but quickly placed him back on the ground as he easily gets dizzy.

❝When will you give your pet a name? Chenle questioned.

The older pouted, ❝But he already has a name.

The younger rolled his eyes, ❝His name literally means small dog.❞

Then how about Xiao mao? Renjun grinned.

Chenle looked at his cousin in disbelief.

"Is this guy for real or what?"

Small cat? Really? Just name him after his father. Chenle said.

Dejun? Hmm... Renjun then made a thinking face for a while.

And soon, Renjun's smile widen, ❝How about Xiaojun?❞

Chenle only nod in agreement and left to go inside the house.

Hey! Le! Wait for me!

As if Renjun was in a kdrama. He entered their house and was greeted by two breathtakingly handsome boys, guessing by their looks, same-aged boys.

Hello, Renjun bowed. ❝Who are you? He asked but only earned a confused look from the two.

Oh, you're home dear. His mother smiled while exiting the kitchen and approaching them.

Who are they? Renjun asked and only earned a sweet smile from his mother.

The mother looked at the two boys before explaining to her son, ❝They're the exchange students me and your father agreed to host.

Hello! Chenle greeted the two as he sat opposite of the sofa they're sitting.

Hello. The brown haired boy greeted back.

I'm Chenle! Nice to meet you two! Chenle introduced himself.

And you see that small guy over there? Yeah? That's Renjun.❞ Chenle pointed at his cousin and only earned a glare from him.

He knows he's done for since he didn't address his gege properly but he just went YOLO!

What? Stop joking around ma, they're just visitors.. right? The latter bit his lips and wished that they are.

Having Chenle is enough, but adding two more boys? It's gonna be hell, he can feel it.

Remember the last meeting of the parents and teachers at your school? Well.. you should blame your father for that, he was the one who volunteered for us to be the host family of the two new exchange students from korea. His mother explained.

Oh my god! Dad! Renjun whined but stopped once he remembered his mother's last words. "They're Koreans?"

Soon, his father came running downstairs, ❝What is it?

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