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How could you?! The youngest of the three exclaimed as he jumped on the bed and trapped the two in a tight hug.

Renjun stayed still on his place as he was processing what Jaemin just did. He expected for the boy to slap him or something because his boyfriend just kissed him but no. Jaemin trapped them in a tight hug.

Y-you're not mad? Renjun managed to asked after getting back to his senses.

Jaemin shook his head and stole a quick peck on Renjun's lips and giggles. Nope! Have you forgotten that I also love you?

N-no. The chinese male answers while looking at everything except for the boy's eyes that's in front of him.

Jaemin chuckles and went on Renjun's other side. Let's sleep. The boy said as he pulls Renjun down beside him and wraps an arm around the chinese's waist.

I love the both of you so much. Jeno mumbles as he gave a peck on both of the boy's' forehead. He then smiled at the sight of the two. Jaemin is holding onto Renjun's body as if his life depended on it.

Sleep. Renjun patted the free space on his other side.

Jeno nodded and laid down. H-hey... R-r-renjun The raven haired boy spoke nervously.

The older turned around to face the boy who just called him. Jeno now regrets calling him. When the older turned around to face him, for a moment, everything slowed down. And it somehow reminded him of their first meeting.

What is it? The older asked sleepily which brought Jeno back to present as he was about to reminisce the moment he and the chinese boy met.

Jeno then felt his cheeks heat up by the question he's about to ask to the older. D-does it hurt? He asked and quickly looked away from the older as he hid his now red cherry face.

N-not really. The older answered in a whispering tone as he also felt his cheeks heating up by the question.

Can I join the two of you next time? Jaemin asked, destroying the two older boys' blushing contest.

Renjun had his cheeks redder than before after hearing what the youngest of them three wants while Jeno? He had composes himself and nodded enthusiastically.

Jeno then quickly sat up and faced Jaemin. You should hear Injunnie's singing skills! He sounds like an angel!

Renjun quickly laid on his stomach and hid his face in his pillow as he tried his best to not listen to Jeno telling Jaemin on how their unforgettable night went.

𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓

❝Mama!❞ Renjun shouts as he searched for his mother in their big ass home.

After a whole thirty minutes of trying to find his mother, Renjun had decided to eat breakfast as he haven't had one ever since he woke up.

Mrs.Li then handed Renjun his breakfast and bowed as she was about to leave but Renjun stopped her from it and asked, ❝Mrs.Li, where's mama?❞

❝She didn't told you?❞

❝Told me what?❞

❝Your parents went on a business trip to korea. They'll be staying there for a week.❞

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