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Oh my god! Go faster Dejun!

Chenle froze on his spot after hearing Renjun's words.

Chenle slowly turned around to face Jaemin and Jeno, I-I think it's best if w-we leave them. He stutters, hands trembling.

Fine! Dejun shouted back.

Chenle's eyes widen.

Oh fuck!Renjun once again shouted from the room.

Chenle clenched his fist. Are they really doing it?

No! Chenle, think positive, they're just probably playi── oh my god. Shut up brain!

What is it? Jaemin asked, feeling curious on why the two boys inside the room are shouting.

I-I don't think you would want to know. Chenle laughs awkwardly.

Go faster!

I am! Shut up! Dejun shouted back.

Chenle then started walking away from the room like he just saw a ghost or something and Jeno and Jaemin just stared at him weirdly as he walks away from them.

He's weird. Jeno mumbled and Jaemin nodded in agreement.

He is, but he's cute so I'll let it slide. The younger grinned.

I said go faster! Now look! If you only listened to me we could've won but you didn't! Renjun complained.

Dejun scoffed, Shut up! Blame this fucking controller not me.

Renjun gritted his teeth and was ready to beat Dejun's ass when a knock was heard from the door, stopping Renjun from beating his boyfriend's ass. He stood up and went to open it.

Renjun opened the door and raised a brow at the two boys in front of him. What are you two doing here?

Jaemin tiptoed to peek inside the room and saw Dejun beating a controller. Why is he beating the controller? He pointed the boy behind Renjun.

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