➢𝟑𝟓【wedding dress】

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❝The wedding is just nine days away! Aren't you excited?!❞ Renjun's mother squealed as they entered a wedding dress shop.

Renjun raised a brow at the place his mother just brought him. ❝Mama, why are we here?❞

His mother chuckles and called one of the workers for assistant. ❝Well... your mother-in-law just told me to let you wear a dress on the wedding as it was what her daughter suggested. Your sister-in-law said you'll look good in a wedding dress.❞

Renjun's mother's words didn't made any sense but atleast he understood that he'll be wearing a dress to his wedding. A wedding dre── ❝A wedding dress?! Oh hell no! I'm not going to wear a dress on that stupid wedding!❞

❝But that is what your sister-in-law wanted.❞

❝Who even is that sister-in-law of mine?❞ Renjun asked while making a quotation mark with his index and middle finger while saying 'sister-in-law'.

His mother then smiled widely. ❝I didn't got to know her name but your mother-in-law told me that you two knows each other and are very close!❞

Renjun just nods and forced out a small smile when a worker escorted them to the place where the wedding dresses are.

Can you please help me get away from here? My mother had forced me in an arranged marriage. Renjun told the lady worker who was picking some wedding dress.

The lady worker then looked at the chinese male and her eyes widen. Renjun?! She suddenly exclaimed and the said boy just nods, confused on how the girl knew who he was.

Ah, right. So rude of me. The girl chuckles and bowed at the chinese male before introducing herself. I'm Ahn Bongsoon. I'm a very close friend of Eunbyeol and her girlfriends.

Nice to meet you then. Renjun said and everything then went silent once again.

A minute of the awkward silence felt like hours. Luckily, Renjun's mother came into frame and broke the awkward silence that was killing the two.

❝You should start fitting some of these dresses that I had picked just for you.❞ His mother said and gave her son five huge dress which made Renjun stumble on how heavy they were when his mother just shoved it in his hold.

Bongsoon then grabbed three of the dress and started walking away. I'm helping you.❞ 

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